About the authors
The European Centre on Health of Societies in TransitionThe London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
Author for correspondence.
Email: bayard.roberts@lshtm.ac.uk
The European Centre on Health of Societies in TransitionThe London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
Södertörn University
Email: andrew.stickley@sh.se
Стокгольмский центр здоровья переходных обществ; Университет Седертерн; Södertörn University
Aberdeen University
Email: c.w.haerpfer@abdn.ac.uk
Факультет политики и международных отношений; Абердинский университет; Aberdeen University
The European Centre on Health of Societies in TransitionThe London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
Email: martin.mckee@lshtm.ac.uk
The European Centre on Health of Societies in TransitionThe London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
The Center for Sociological StudiesLomonosov Moscow State University, Russia
Email: gasparishvili@yandex.ru
The Center for Sociological StudiesLomonosov Moscow State University, Russia
The Center for Sociological StudiesLomonosov Moscow State University, Russia
Email: kruhoks@yandex.ru
The Center for Sociological StudiesLomonosov Moscow State University, Russia