- Authors: Balyakin AA1, Zadorina AK2, Kuklina IR2, Malyshev AS1, Taranenko SB1
- Research Center “Kurchatov Institute”
- Analytical Center of International Scientific, Technological and Educational Programs
- Issue: Vol 18, No 4 (2018)
- Pages: 651-667
- Section: Contemporary society: the urgent issues and prospects for development
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/sociology/article/view/19747
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2313-2272-2018-18-4-651-667
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The regulation of international scientific-technical cooperation in the Russian Federation aiming at improvement of managerial decisions in the field of scientific cooperation should take into account other countries’ approaches. The article considers strategic documents of 19 countries to identify three types of them: the first group consists of countries with a special strategic document on international scientifictechnical cooperation; the second group - of countries with a document on regional scientific-technical cooperation; the third group - of countries whose policies in the field of international scientific-technical cooperation are represented in national strategies for the development of science and technology and are integrated into action plans/strategies of the relevant departments. The article describes the organization of international scientific-technical cooperation in the USA, Mexico and Sweden. Thus, the USA developed a distributed system of coordination of international scientific activities under the uniform national approach, when science is considered an instrument of American foreign policy. Mexico follows a regional line in international scientific-technical cooperation without any special document regulating it. In Sweden, international scientific cooperation is considered a part of foreign policy and is administered by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Based on the studied documents, the authors make several suggestions for Russian scientific-technical policy that have been already used in the draft Conception of International Scientific-Technical Cooperation of the Russian Federation. The authors propose to increase Russia’s participation in the world scientific process by relying on the best practices of the global leaders such as the United States and Switzerland, promoting the development of scientific diplomacy and mobility, and supporting the political interests of Russia, in particular considering the CIS, BRICS and the EEA. The future legal documents should also include issues of funding joint research and assessing the effectiveness of cooperation (qualitative and quantitative indicators of the success of scientific collaborations).
About the authors
A A Balyakin
Research Center “Kurchatov Institute”
Author for correspondence.
Email: Balyakin_AA@nrcki.ru
Pl. Academika Kurchatova, 1, Moscow, 123182, RussiaA K Zadorina
Analytical Center of International Scientific, Technological and Educational Programs
Email: zadorina@mniop.ru
Leninskie Gory, 1-75, Moscow, 119992, RussiaI R Kuklina
Analytical Center of International Scientific, Technological and Educational Programs
Email: kuklina@mniop.ru
Leninskie Gory, 1-75, Moscow, 119992, RussiaA S Malyshev
Research Center “Kurchatov Institute”
Email: Malyshev_AS@nrcki.ru
Pl. Academika Kurchatova, 1, Moscow, 123182, RussiaS B Taranenko
Research Center “Kurchatov Institute”
Email: Taranenko_SB@nrcki.ru
Pl. Academika Kurchatova, 1, Moscow, 123182, RussiaReferences
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