Localization of the French Linguoculture Concepts in the English-Language Film Discourse through the Intertextuality


Linguocultural concepts in the film text are a complex aspect of translation. This paper is devoted to the study of the localization potential of linguistic and cultural concepts in the implementation of the film text translation in French-English language pair. The purpose of the article is to analyze the localization potential of linguistic and cultural concepts in intermediated intercultural communication through the cinema resource. The paper provides examples of un\ successful localization, compiled on the basis of a films target audience anonymous survey. The research material included 4 concepts ( Amour/Love, Amitié /Friendship, Famille/ Family, Patrimoine/National Treasure ) implemented in 70 French films with official localizations into English, released in the period of 1966-2022. The methods of random sampling, mathematical statistics, quantitative analysis, semantic and linguocultural analysis of the text, method of anonymous questioning were used in the study. To conduct a qualitative evaluation of the film text original and localized units perception, we conducted a survey of anglophone and francophone viewers. The results of the study were the identification of various translation transformations used in the localization of functional and pragmatic units of the film text with an analize of their effectiveness by viewers perceiving the film text in the source language and by viewers perceiving the film text in the target language. The use of statistical analysis methods made it possible to verify the data obtained empirically, and semantic and linguocultural analysis made it possible to analyze the obtained linguistic units in terms of their assessment and linguistic systematization.

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About the authors

Vladislav E. Anisimov

MGIMO University

Author for correspondence.
Email: anisimov.vladislav.95@mail.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-6006-3965
SPIN-code: 3521-9813

PhD in Philology, Associate Professor at the Department of French Languages

76, Vernadskogo av., Moscow, Russian Federation, 119454

Ekatherina D. Anisimova

RUDN University

Email: kate.dk01@gmail.com
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-9854-3921
Scopus Author ID: 973406

post-graduate student of the Department of Foreign Languages, Faculty of Philology

6, Miklukho-Maklaya str., Moscow, Russian Federation, 117198


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