Research Potential of the O.A. Krylova’s Technique of Text Analysis in the Aspect of Speech Stylistics

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The study analyzes the proposed by professor O.A. Krylovaʼs technique of text analysis in the aspect of speech stylistics, focused on the interpretation of non-fiction texts of various functional-stylistic affiliations, from the standpoint of the possibility of its use as one of the stages of a comprehensive linguo-poetic examination of texts representing artistic speech. Such an opportunity is created by the obvious correlation of a number of features characteristic of both types of texts, a certain transformation of which in verbal and artistic text structures is due to the priority of manifestation of the aesthetic function of language in them. The possibility of using the technique of analysis developed by O.A. Krylova, as a component of linguo-poetic analysis, is demonstrated by examining one of the lyrical texts - the poem by V. Miroshnichenko “We are Donbass, we should not complain!”. However, according to the author, this practice can be quite successfully applied in the interpretation of verbal and literary works of other genus-literary affiliation, where the language is embodied in an aesthetically complicated form: prose and drama.

About the authors

Irina P. Zaitseva

Vitebsk State University named after P.M. Masherov

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-4659-0929
SPIN-code: 5964-9507

D.Sc. in Philology, Professor, Head of the Department of World Languages

33, Moskovskiy Avenue, Vitebsk, Republic of Belarus, 210038


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