TV Live Reporting: a Pilot Study in Contrastive Genre Analysis

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TV live reporting or otherwise on-the-spot reporting is a sub-genre of TV journalism, but it is characterized by liveness and immediacy. The present paper focuses on the sub-genre of live reporting from the point of view of genre analysis within a contrastive framework. It makes use of two corpora of live reporting videos in English and Arabic, and analyzes them, both electronically and manually, according to a modified version of Bhatia’s approach to genre analysis (1993; 2002; 2012). It was found that TV correspondents maximize the use of first person pronouns that reflect the fact that they are reporting from the scene. They likewise tend to use hyperboles (see Geis, 1987). They also create an atmosphere of excitement by starting their reports by rising intonation patterns, but later on either resort to level routine delivery or attempt to project a certain attitude through a falling tone. English or English-speaking correspondents follow a generic structure where a spatial, temporal or opinion-centered setting is provided first, then follows the detailed body of narrative then finally the recapitulation. Arab correspondents, in contrast, directly go to the specifics of their reports, leaving the listeners without any trace of an introduction, and likewise clinch their reports abruptly by addressing the presenters.

About the authors

Amr M El-Zawawy

Alexandria University

Associate Professor of Linguistics and Translation, Faculty of Education, Alexandria University (Alexandria, Egypt). El-Guish Road, El-Shatby, Alexandria, Egypt, 21526


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  38. أخبار مصر: اتصال هاتفي - إيهاب عمران. مراسل التليفزيون المصري بأسوان (tr. Egypt’s News: a telephone call-Ihab Imran, Egyptian TV correspondent)
  39. أخبار مصر: اتصال هاتفي - حيدر الأسدي .. مراسل التليفزيون المصري في العراق (tr. Egypt’s News: a telephone call-Haidar Assadi, Egyptian TV correspondent in Iraq)
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  41. الحياة اليوم - مراسل الحياة اليوم ينقل الاجواء الاحتفالية بالإسماعيلية لإفتتاح قناة السويس الجديدة (tr. Al-Hayah Today: a TV correspondent on the celebrations of New Suez Canal in Ismailia)
  42. عين على البرلمان - مراسل الحياة يروي أهم تفاصيل لحظة الموافقة على بيان الحكومة بموافقة 433عضوا (tr. An Eye on the Parliament: TV correspondent narrates the moment of approving the government’s new mission statement)
  43. #غرفة_الأخبار | صلاح الوحيدي مراسل سي بي سي إكسترا من غزة يشرح ما يحدث بالضفة الغربية (tr. Newsroom: CBC Extra correspondent Salah Wahidi explains what’s going on in West Bank)
  44. راسل التلفزيون العربي: إجراءات أمنية وسياسية في تونس بعد اغتيال 4 شرطيين (tr. Al-Araby TV correspondent: tight political and security measures in Tunisia following the murder of 4 policemen
  45. مراسل التليفزيون العربي: توقيف الإرهابيين في تونس أصبح روتينياً (tr. Al-Araby TV correspondent: detaining terrorists in Tunisia has become a daily routine)
  46. مراسل النهار اليوم يرصد المشهد الامتحاني من امام مدرسة الاورمان بالدقي (tr. Al-Nahar News: Al-Nahar TV correspondent is updating in front of the the Orman School in Dokki)
  47. #هنا_العاصمة | مراسل سي بي سي : حطام الطائرة أنشر على مساحة كبيرة بلغت 5 كيلو متر (tr. The Capital Now: CBC correspondent: the debris of the crashing plane spread over a 5-kilo meter area)



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