Non-Derivative and Derivative Homonyms in the Russian and Uzbek Languages
- Authors: Kurbanov B.S.1
- Uzbek State University of World Languages
- Issue: Vol 10, No 4 (2019): Linguistic Semantics and Semiotics. Literary Text Studies
- Pages: 906-919
- URL:
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The article discusses questions regarding non-derivative and derivative homonyms by the example of verbs of the Russian and Uzbek languages. In sight are the problems of distinguishing polysemy and homonymy, the criteria for determining their boundaries. The basis of the study is the study of the internal structure of the word. The classification of non-derivative and derivative verbs-homonyms of the Russian and Uzbek languages is presented taking into account the ways of their formation, derivative and non-derivative lexemes depending on the place in the word-building nest. Examples of word-formation types, in particular, affix word-formation methods inherent in the formation of verbal homonyms in the comparable Russian and Uzbek languages are given. The article also deals with the features and distinctive properties of lexical, derivational homonyms, examples of reflected homonymy in the system of derivational nests are given. Word-building nests are considered as the main criterion for determining the production and non-production of verbal homonyms of the Russian and Uzbek languages. The classification of non-derivative and derivative homonyms of the Russian and Uzbek languages is developed. Examples of compiling word-formation nests of verbs in the Uzbek language are given, taking into account the possibility of the formation of the largest number of derivatives in the structure of nests. Consequently, fragments are shown regarding the organization of reflected homonymy in both Russian and Uzbek languages. The analysis results indicate that the phenomenon of homonymy in the Russian and Uzbek languages has regular and systemic character. The regularity of relationships and interactions of lexical paradigms of comparable languages in the formation of derivatives, in particular, reflected homonyms, is argued. An important place in this is given to homonymy, arising due to the homonymy of foundations and affixes.
About the authors
Bakhram Sh. Kurbanov
Uzbek State University of World Languages
Author for correspondence.
PhD student
Malaya koltsevaya str., G-9a quarter, 21a, Chilanzar massif, Uchtepa district, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 100138References
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