- Authors: Golubenko E.A1
- Federal State-Owned Budgetary Establishment “The 3rd Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation”
- Issue: Vol 10, No 1 (2019)
- Pages: 197-212
- Section: SCIENCE 21.0
- URL:
- DOI:
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Nowadays anthropocentric approach is widely used in the study of national culture in the Russian and foreign linguistics. It proves the emergence of linguistic and cultural trends in modern science, in which there is an interest in the issues of conceptualization and linguistic world view. Linguistic world view is a fundamental object of many modern scientists’ research, which is a complex process, the study of which is dictated by the development of linguistics and its individual areas in particular linguoculturology. The concept as a carrier of cultural information of a particular nation and an integral component of the national conceptual sphere unites the whole range of conceptual concepts and scientific views. The concept is a conceptual formation containing individual judgments and generally recognized standard values, i.e. the possible conceptual content of the object study or a linguistic phenomenon. The article considers the main results of the comparative study of the concepts “war” and “peace” and their representation in the linguistic world view of the Russian, English and Japanese languages. The result of the study of these concepts is the modeling of their field organization in the form of verbal and graphical representations, i.e. the content of concepts in the form of their field structures. This modeling allows us to confirm that the field organization of concepts in the implementation of their comparative analysis reveals the relationship of language with the existing reality, as well as reveals the national and specific characteristics of the linguistic consciousness of the ethnic group. The respondents’ reactions to the concepts “war” and “peace” directly depend on their linguistic identity and the type of culture they belong to. The modeling of the field organization provides a complete picture of the national and specific nature of the concepts. It is the concept “war” rather than “peace” that has a higher level of frequency and expressiveness in the native speakers’ minds of all three analyzed languages, that is not surprising, since respondents regardless of their cultural differences constantly face the outside world phenomena and experience the same basic emotions.
About the authors
Elena A Golubenko
Federal State-Owned Budgetary Establishment “The 3rd Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation”
Author for correspondence.
Junior researcher
Krasnaya St., 85, Bronnitsy, Moscow region, Russia, 140170References
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