ASSIMILATION OF BORROWINGS IN SLAVIC LANGUAGES (in the aspect of Russian-Czech-Slovak comparison)
- Authors: Markova E.M1,2
- Kosygin state university of Russian
- Katolik university in Ruzhomberok
- Issue: Vol 9, No 4 (2018)
- Pages: 896-903
- URL:
- DOI:
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A rapid increase in borrowings from English is one of the hallmarks of the modern linguistic situation in Slavic languages. Similar diversion processes driven by the active influence of the English language are marked in all Slavic languages, although they take place unevenly, which is shown by a comparative analysis of the Russian language with West Slavic ones, Czech and Slovak. The influence of English is evident not only in the form of direct borrowings, lexical, phraseological and semantic calques from English sources, but also in the penetration of English word-building elements, the impact of the derivational models relevant for the English language, in the import of ways of word-forming reality conceptualization. The article reveals the similarity and specificity of these processes in the Russian, Czech and Slovak languages.
About the authors
Elena M Markova
Kosygin state university of Russian; Katolik university in Ruzhomberok
Author for correspondence.
Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Department of Russian Studies, Katolik university (Ružomberok), Kosygin state university of Russian
33, p.1, ul. Sadovnicheskaya, Moscow, Russia, 117997; 1A, Hrabovská cesta, Ružomberok, Slovakia, 034 01References
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