- Authors: Frolova N.M1
- National research Mordovia state University named after N.P. Ogareva
- Issue: Vol 9, No 4 (2018)
- Pages: 842-858
- URL:
- DOI:
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The article attempts to consider the concept of “concept” as an object of interdisciplinary research, defines the areas of functioning and research fixation of concepts, identifies differences between the usual and artistic concepts that serve as a productive way of penetrating into the secrets of poetic skill and creative laboratory of artists of the word. The work is devoted to the study of the conceptual foundations of L. N. Andreeva and identification of the specificity of his linguistic personality through the study of linguistic representation of the concept of “Life” associated with the General socio-philosophical and religious-philosophical quest of the author. The paper describes the parameters of the artistic concept and the ways of its linguistic expression, the main of which is the associative-semantic field; the structure of the associative-semantic field “Life” is analyzed on the material of the text of the play by L.N. Andreeva “human Life”; its nuclear and peripheral components are indicated, the ratio of which allows to approach the General understanding of the phenomenon of human life by the writer, coupled with the concepts of Fate, rock and artistic images of candles, stairs based on associative connections. Additional means of linguistic expression of the concept “Life” are listed, which emphasize, on the one hand, the value essence of life, and, on the other hand, its fragility, unpredictability, ruthlessness towards a Person. Particular attention is paid to the artistic techniques involved in the representation of the concept of “Life” in the author’s artistic discourse. The value of the scientific approach outlined in the work is not in the contrast comparison of the most interesting and significant points of view of domestic and foreign scientists, expressed regarding the nature and content of the concept as a phenomenon of language, thinking, consciousness and speech, and in their organic mutual addition, which allows us to present the most complete and comprehensive understanding of this phenomenon in the light of the various paradigms of modern scientific knowledge.
About the authors
Natalia M Frolova
National research Mordovia state University named after N.P. Ogareva
Author for correspondence.
candidate of social Sciences, associate Professor, associate Professor of journalism Department of philological faculty of Federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education “Mordovia state University named after N.P. Ogareva”; research interests: sociolinguistics, linguoculturology, theory of discourse, advertising communication, dialogue
Republic Of Mordovia, Saransk, street Bolshevist, 68, 430005References
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