- Authors: Vyshenskaya Y.P1
- Herzen State Pedagogical University
- Issue: Vol 9, No 4 (2018)
- Pages: 812-830
- URL:
- DOI:
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The article concerns the matter of English prose belles-lettres style the XIV-XV century known as an epoch of poetic-prosaic balance. The process of the artistic style generating is studied on the basis of the exemplary corpus fixed in the textual material of literary works belonging to the genre of the medieval romances as the earliest representative of a new literary genre. When considered fragmentary as one of basic parameters of verbal medieval art is taken into account. That means a complex approach in the sphere of study of the medieval textual documents. The style phenomenon is researched within the scope of a universal socio-cultural context as a part of thе “international Gothic” dominating during the period under study. Style generating processes in English literature marked by its national properties are analysed as part of the universal process of the European literary process. Comparative analysis of works of verbal as well as of non-verbal art of the period of stylistic borrowing from one art sphere to another is considered as based on the dominating stylistic ideas and specific features of world-vision proper the transfer from Middle Ages to the Renaissance. Comparative method gives an opportunity to trace peculiarities of transforming poetic material form into prosaic one.
About the authors
Yuliya P Vyshenskaya
Herzen State Pedagogical University
Author for correspondence.
Ph.D, Assosiate Professor of the Department of English Language and British Studies of Herzen State Pedagogical University; Scientific Interests: Historical Stylistics, History of Literature, History of Language, Literature studies, Stylistics, Text Linguistics
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