- Authors: Rodina J.D1
- State University of Social Studies and Humanities
- Issue: Vol 9, No 2 (2018)
- Pages: 463-479
- Section: SCIENCE 21.0
- URL:
- DOI:
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The article is devoted to the analysis of ways of syntactical realization of the concept “thinking activity” in one of the chapters of the autobiographical novel by the writer-symbolist Andrei Bely “Kotik Letaev”. Thinking activity is the main way of characterizing the central character of the work - the little Kotik Letaev. The purpose of the article is to identify the main syntactic schemes that represent the thought discourse of the hero of the work, the basis of which are the verbs of thinking, understanding, cognition, imagination, memory. The study is based on an integrated, systemic approach, combining elements of cognitive, comparative-typological and concrete-text analysis. An attempt was made to show on the specific linguistic material the author's originality in the creation of the concept “thinking activity”, its functioning in the organization of the text. The author focuses on the specific textual implementation of the selected 5 structural schemes in terms of the writer's reproduction of the individual's inner life, beginning with subconscious reflexes and the first pulsations of consciousness in the infant opening the world, and ending with the period of growing up. Particular attention is paid to the nominations that fix the objects of the intellectual activity of the little Kitty, taking into account his growing up and broadening his horizons. The theoretical significance of the article is that it is a definite contribution to the process of studying the ways of linguistic representation of the syntactic concept “thinking activity”. The practical importance of the article is that its main conclusions and provisions can be applied in the practice of university teaching, in general and special courses on cognitive linguistics. Materials can be used for their practical purposes by cognitologists and philologists in the compilation of textbooks and manuals for universities on the study of idiostyle A. Bely.
About the authors
Julia D Rodina
State University of Social Studies and Humanities
Author for correspondence.
graduate student of the Moscow Region “State social-humanitarian University”; Scientific Interests: cognitive linguistics, lexicology, concept
Zelyonaya str., 30, Kolomna Moscow Region, 140410References
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