- Authors: Moskvitcheva SA1, Li Xue -1
- RUDN University
- Issue: Vol 8, No 4 (2017)
- Pages: 1103-1117
- Section: Articles
- URL:
- DOI:
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The article generally presents the languages' sociolinguistic categorization of the people’s Republic of China. The languages' Socio-political nomination of any region are derived from the factors such as social, political, historical, ethnic and linguistic system. The result is to create terminology not with ontological, but with discursive nature. Therefore, in each special case it created a kind of category structure with a unique semantic connections between categories, which leads to a fundamental non-equi-valence of the meanings behind similar nominations in different languages and cultures, which make difficult to adequate translation and transmission of these meanings. The article analyzes prototypical nominations of languages within Sino-Tibetan language space, studies the meanings behind them, shows their specificity in comparison with other language spaces. The main attention is paid to the nominations designating the standard Chinese language in its variants, dialects and national minorities languages. The terminological field of nominations is regarded as fundamentally discursive, that is, as a projection of different types ideologies transforming ontological entities.
About the authors
S A Moskvitcheva
RUDN University
Author for correspondence.
Moskvicheva Svetlana Alekseevna, PhD, Associated Professor, Associated Professor of the of General and Russian Linguistics Department of the Philological Faculty at Russian Peoples Friendship University (RUDN University); scientific interests: sociolinguistics, typology of minority languages, language representation, semantics, language theory
117198 Moscow, str. Miklukho-Maklay, 6, Russian Federation- Li Xue
RUDN University
Li Xue, graduate student of the General and Russian Linguistics Department of the Philological Faculty at the Russian University of Peoples Friendship; scientific interests: terminology, taxonomy, lexicology, semantics, typology of minority languages
117198 Moscow, str. Miklukho-Maklay, 6, Russian FederationReferences
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