The most important tool for the adaptation and integration of foreign-speaking children into the Russian educational space is the Russian language. In modern Russian schools, the most pressing issue is the assessment of the level of proficiency in Russian by foreign children, since in the situation of formed migration there is no common institutional complex for the diagnosis of these children's language and speech skills. It is necessary first of all to make diagnostic measurements of the ability of school children from migrant families to master school subjects in Russian. The lack of methodological tools of this kind complicates the process of adaptation of foreign language students to the educational space of the Russian school. This circumstance conditioned the tools for developing and implementing complex diagnostics aimed at determining the language skills and the level of speech competence not only of foreign-speaking children, but also of all students in educational institutions of the Domodedovo city district. The aim of the study was to determine the general didactic and methodological requirements for a foreign-speaking student in a Russian school, and to create an effective tool for defining the linguistic and socio-cultural competencies of this category of students. The research development of the diagnostic procedures carried out and their results aimed at determining the levels of Russian language proficiency among students of 5-9 grades in the polyethnic composition of the Domodedovo city district are presented. Within the framework of the study, methods of pedagogical observation, statistical method, method of diagnostic testing and expert evaluation, method of quantitative processing of the obtained data were applied. In the diagnosis 1248 students of Domodedovo city district schools took part. The testing was carried out in electronic format, which made it possible to obtain and process the results in the shortest possible time. The methodological basis for the research and development of testing materials was the manual by Elizaveta A. Khamraeva “Linguodidactic diagnostics” (the series “Russian school”), which includes tests for children aged 6-14 years, compiled on the basis of the meta-subject approach. The results of this study can serve as a content base for individual educational trajectories, based on the principles of differentiated learning, which will contribute to the successful learning of academic disciplines in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard in a modern multicultural school.