The relevance of the article is determined by the insufficient knowledge of the problem, connected with the use of graphic-symbolic analysis of a literature text in the system of teaching Russian of foreigners. The purpose of the article is to determine the linguistic and cultural potential of the semiotic approach to the teaching of the Russian language of foreigners using literature text. As the educational material is the author’s method of graphic-symbolic analysis of the literature text, which is based on the use of the main provisions of semiotics, mnemonics, ergonomics, and the introduction of a new concept of “symbolic words” in the system of vocabulary and graphic symbols based on the poem by N.V. Gogol’s “Mertvie dushi” The teaching of the Russian language of foreigners on the basis of a literature text will enable them to better understand the history, philosophy of the studied language, Russian culture and literature, and contribute to its more effective assimilation. Author’s method of teaching Russian to foreigners is designed to determine the effectiveness of its use in the educational process at different stages of teaching Russian oа foreigners.