
Grebenichenko S.F., Shirokorad I.I.
Some Issues of the RSFSR Federal Construction in the 1920s
Amanzholova D.A.
Industrial Development of the National Republics of the Volga-Vyatka Region during the Implementation of the Reform of Industry and Construction Management in 1957-1965
Mineev A.I.
Kuban farmers’ attitudes toward Soviet agrarian transformations in the 1920s
Fedina I.M.
Environmental safety of Moscow as a major area of urban management
Mironova A.V.
Discussions of factory committee and textile workers on economic issues in 1922–1926 (on materials of «Tryokhgornaya manufactury»)
Kim V.I.
Everyday Anti-Semitism in the USSR
Mironov B.N.
Center or periphery? The system of public administration in Tuva in the end of the 19th and early 20th centuries
Khovalyg S.S.
Agricultural Policy of German Fascists Invaders at the Occupied Territory of Central Black Soil Region in 1941-1943
Nikiforov S.A.
Princess Anna Taishina, the First Ruler of the Stavropol Baptized Kalmyks, 1737-1742
Dzhundzhuzov S.V.
The ulus elite of the Yakuts in the communicative space of the Russian state from the 17th to 19th centuries
Borisov A.A.
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