No 2 (2013)
- Year: 2013
- Articles: 14
- URL:
«Please inquire into this letter and eliminate unilateral view on workers, otherwise I will be compelled to write to the Central Committee of our party»: letters to authorities in post-war years
The article is devoted to the Soviet phenomenon of «letters to authorities». Three major interpretations of «letters» are presented: 1) as a way to implement the democratic right for participating in state management and right for justice; 2) as an instrument for repressive political campaign; 3) as a significant form of personal identification with authorities. Claims were an important social phenomenon of the Soviet life. The author presents typical and specific claims (on the materials of Perm State Archives of Contemporary History) and ways of dealing with them on the local level. The author analyses the post-war years’ claims, which help to understand the peculiarities of the Soviet everyday life, the rhetoric of the era, and the forms of citizens’ resistance to injustice.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2013;(2):5-15

Environmental safety of Moscow as a major area of urban management
The article considers some implementation and formation aspects of the environmental safety of Moscow as an important sphere of municipal politics in 2008–2012. In particular, the author analyses the state of atmosphere, air pollution, dust and poison gases, the state of ground water and soil, as well as green spaces in the city. The emphasis is given to such issues as acoustic environment and the state of water objects in the city of Moscow. The author also pays attention to the development of environmental culture and education in the city and draws conclusions on the further development of the ecological situation in Moscow.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2013;(2):16-24

French Revolution and its role in formation of conservative tradition in Russia
The article considers the influence of the revolutionary events in France in 1779–1794 on the formation of Russian conservatism. The authors show the perception of the Russian conservatism representatives of the reasons and outcome of the revolution in the light of the ideological and cultural contacts between Russia and France in the second half of the XVIII th – early XIX th century. The article analyses the formation of the image of France in the conservative circles of Russia in the first half of the XIX th century.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2013;(2):25-34

Theory and practice of liberalism in A.L. Volynsky’s works
The article considers Akim Volynsky’s attitude to the problem of liberalism, which was an integral part of his ideology. The author concludes that being a liberal Volynsky had a critical view of the contemporary formal and pragmatic liberalism.The analysis of his works shows that in his attitude to the liberal doctrine he came close to the idealists of the 1890s and his philosophy may be defined as «idealistic liberalism».
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2013;(2):35-42

Russia, China and countries of Central Asia: interaction in security sphere (1990s – early XXI st century)
The article is devoted to the interaction of Russia, China and the states of Central Asia in the field of national and regional security after the USSR disintegration up to nowadays. The author analyses the changes in Central Asia after the USSR disintegration and the problems, which the newly independent former Soviet republics faced. The article considers the new role of Central Asia countries in geostrategy of Eurasia, the interests of Russia, China and the USA in the region, the role of the SCO in providing security and cooperation.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2013;(2):43-51

Integration potential of post-Soviet area for a quarter of a century: problems and prospects
The article is devoted to the integration processes in the post-Soviet area. The authors prove that the integration potential of the former Soviet republics increased through some regional multispeed and different sectoral vectors of focal convergence. It is concluded, that the engines of the integration are mini-organizations, which seek for new areas of breakthrough to the convergence of economies and control systems. The authors show the historical role of Russia in various integration projects.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2013;(2):52-63

Soviet-American relations in 1960–1970s: US neoconservatives and collapse of détente
The article analyses the Soviet-American relations in the years of detente (1960–1970s), considers the role of neoconservatives who promoted the US return to the spirit of confrontation with the Soviet Union. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the activities of H. Jackson, D.P. Moynihan, J. Kirkpatrik, R. Perl, as well as neoconservative organizations.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2013;(2):64-74

Russian immigrants in Siberia: ethnic and cultural aspect
The article is devoted to the history and ethnic and cultural specificity of Russian immigrants in Western Siberia. The author analyses the changes in their economy and way of life during the late 19 th – early 21 st centuries, modern ethnic and cultural preferences. The article considers the adaptation process and influence of various cultural traditions, the main factors that led to their extreme diversity.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2013;(2):75-86

Gender element of standard culture of Kabardians (on materials of Kabardian temporary court (1822–1858)
The article is devoted to the gender element of standard culture of Kabardians in the 20–50s of the XIX century. On the basis of the materials analysis of the Kabardian temporary court the author gives the characteristic of the most typical public relations of that time with participation of women. The author concludes that the 1822 administrative and judicial reform caused considerable changes of the legal status of Kabardian women.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2013;(2):87-98

Entrepreneurial activities of Russian emigrants in Balkans (1920–1930s)
The article is devoted to the specificity of entrepreneurial activities of Russian emigrants in the Balkans in the 1920–1930s. The author analyses the problems of emigrants’ legal status, the issue of initial capital. The article considers the peculiarities of small, medium and big businesses of Russian emigrants in the Balkans as well as the role of emigrants’ public communities in boosting entrepreneurial activities. Besides, the author examines the role of entrepreneurs in the adaptation process of Russian refugees in the Balkans.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2013;(2):99-108

Bank Loan against Usurious Riba in the Value-Institutional System of Muslim Entrepreneurs of the Russian Empire in the late 19 th – early 20 th century
The article examines the business culture of Muslim entrepreneurs of the Russian Empire by means of value-institutional approach. Identified components of business conduct – the usurious riba and the Bank loan were imposed on the total value-institutional system of Muslim entrepreneurs. As a result the most strong correlation demonstrated the second component. This gives grounds to consider it more typical element of business conduct Muslim entrepreneurs in contrast to the charging usurious riba. Thus that one was exceptional phenomenon for Muslim business world of the end of 19 th – beginning of 20 th century.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2013;(2):109-116

Main scientific publications of lecturers of department of Russian history of PFUR in 2012
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2013;(2):117-120

Solution to economic and social problems of USSR in conditions of New Economic Policy. Review of the book: Yudina T.V. Soviet workers and employees at concession plants of USSR in years of New Economic Policy. –Volgograd, 2009
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2013;(2):121-124

Our authors
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2013;(2):125-126