Russia, Mexico and the USA in the struggle for California in the 1820-1840s
- Authors: Petrov A.Y.1,2, Ermolaev A.N.3,4
- Russian Academy of Sciences
- Moscow State Linguistic University
- Kemerovo State University
- Federal Research Center for Coal and Coal Chemistry, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
- Pages: 98-108
- Section: ARTICLES
- URL:
- DOI:
- EDN:
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The authors analyze the process of interaction between Russia, Mexico and the United States in the context of the struggle for Alta California. The essence of this process was the diplomatic, military-political and economic activity of these powers aimed at occupying lands in California and legalizing them by some of them. The purpose of the study is to establish the reasons for the unsuccessful actions of Spain and Russia in Alta California which led to the subordination of this territory to the United States of America. The source base is the office, diplomatic and memoir sources published in various collections and periodicals. The study shows the struggle between Russia, Mexico and the United States for the possession of lands in Alta California. It was established that Russia acted through the Russian-American company which controlled the Russian colonies in America. At the same time, the Russian government adhered to the principle of legitimism which restrained the company’s initiatives to expand its influence. The authors conclude that the United States was more active in the region and used its economic and trade superiority to increase its influence. Russia was unable to compete with the United States and missed a good opportunity to conclude an agreement with Mexico to confront the Americans and legalize its possessions in California, Fort Ross and other territories.
About the authors
Aleksandr Yu. Petrov
Russian Academy of Sciences; Moscow State Linguistic University
Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-1688-4096
SPIN-code: 3810-5063
Dr. Habil. Hist., Chief Research Fellow of the Center for North American Studies, Institute of World History of Russian Academy of Sciences; Professor of the Historical Sciences Department, Moscow State Linguistic University
32A, Leninsky Prospekt, Moscow, 119334, Russia; 38, Osotizhenka St, Moscow, 119036, RussiaAlexey N. Ermolaev
Kemerovo State University; Federal Research Center for Coal and Coal Chemistry, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-6903-5883
SPIN-code: 2768-3154
Dr. Habil. Hist., Professor of the Department of Russian History, Kemerovo State University; Chief Researcher of The Federal Research Center of Coal and Coal-Chemistry, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
6, Krasnaya St, Kemerovo, 650000, Russia; 18, Sovetsky Prospekt, Kemerovo, 650000, RussiaReferences
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