Vol 10, No 3 (2023)
- Year: 2023
- Articles: 12
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/public-administration/issue/view/1698
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2312-8313-2023-10-3
Full Issue
“Green” Economy in the Russian Regions’ Development Strategies
This study presents the results of the «green» economy public administration general trends study. Besides, «green» economy is characterized as a special type of economic activity based on various biotechnologies and aimed at solving urgent environmental problems. It is emphasized that according to a number of foreign publications and domestic regulatory documents, the biotechnological tools used in the «green» economy framework are largely focused on the processing of agroindustrial and household waste in combination with the biofuels production. According to the lexicometric analysis results, it is shown that the «green» economy problems are already in the field of view in almost half of the Russian Federation subjects. At the same time, special attention is drawn to four regions (two regions - Kemerovo and Kursk, as well as two republics - Buryatia and North Ossetia-Alania), where long-term state regulation of the «green» economy development is carried out within the special laws on socio-economic development strategies framework. As a result, it is noted that the «green» economy has broad application prospects in various regions of the Russian Federation, in particular, in order to reduce anthropogenic pressures on the environment and ensure sustainable development.

Analysis of the Results of the State Policy Implementation to Support Small and Medium-sized Businesses in the Stavropol Territory in 2018-2023
The study examines the main measures to support small and medium entrepreneurship at the federal level, and their direct implementation at the regional level on the example of the Stavropol Territory. The study provides statistical data of the Unified Register of Small and Medium Entrepreneurship in the Russian Federation, reflecting the dynamics of changes in the region’s population involved in small and medium entrepreneurship: individual entrepreneurs, employees of small and medium businesses, self-employed. The conclusion is drawn that the policy pursued at the federal and regional level regarding the development of entrepreneurship in the Stavropol Territory is not very effective.

State Policy in the Field of Employment: Regional Aspect
The study presents the results of a study of the regional peculiarities of the state policy in the field of employment. The monitoring of the main indicators of the Moscow labor market, the structure of the unemployed by age groups and the structure of the employed by the level of education in Moscow was carried out. It is concluded that there is a major problem in the labor market in the city of Moscow, manifested in a high level of unemployment among young people aged 20 to 39 years with higher and secondary specialized education. In order to increase employment among young people, it is proposed to organize joint events by the management of secondary schools and regional employment services to address issues of vocational guidance of schoolchildren, increase awareness of university students about the availability of specialized vacancies, train graduates in self-presentation skills that promote employment and strengthen employers’ awareness of the possibility of obtaining benefits when graduates are employed.

Urban Communities as Interest Groups in Local Politics: A Conceptual Analysis
Urban communities are one the varieties of interest groups in local politics. The study examines the channels and the possibilities of their influence on the political agenda formation. The resources of interaction communities with other political subjects are analyzed. The success of communities in protecting group interests is assessed in terms of factors of two types - internal, reflecting the state and resource base on the communities themselves, and external, primarily institutional. The influence practices in the urban communities on local politics, as well as the degree and barriers to participation in the political processes in large cities in modern Russia are revealed.

Crimes of Medical Workers as a Socio-legal Problem of Russian Society
The main legal act regulating the rights of citizens to health protection is Article 20 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which states that every citizen of the Russian Federation has the right to free medical care for various health disorders and disability. At the same time, free medical care aimed at preserving the life and health of citizens is provided by medical workers working in municipal, private and other medical institutions. Medical workers have the status of civil servants in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on state civil service. A civil servant is liable under federal law for actions or omissions leading to violation of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens. In this study we consider cases when medical workers who are civil servants commit crimes against the life and health of a citizen in the performance of their duties. We note that despite the large number of offenses committed by medical personnel, there are still no official statistics on these offenses, and therefore it is very difficult to determine the total number of offenses committed by medical personnel. In this study, we conclude that the offenses committed by medical staff are crimes of public danger and medical workers violate their professional obligations in the performance of their professional duties.

Approaches and Methodology of Forming the Worldview of High School Students: The Experience of Socialization of Donbass Children in the Summer Profile Shift
The study deals with the problem of forming a worldview among high school students. The author tried to identify with the help of which tools schoolchildren from the territories of Gorlovka and Mariupol managed to find a common language and change their understanding of each other, as well as change their picture of the world. The developed recommendations can be used in working with teenagers by employees of regional authorities and municipalities.

The Religious Factor in the Clash of Civilizations from the Point of View of the State-Administrative Aspect
In the period of the formation of a new world order, it is extremely important to understand how the societies of certain states are separated from their governments. The concept of civilization expands its meaning and allows the unification of the societies of various states into a single civilizational form of self-determination. At the same time, social crisis factors that manifest themselves in one society are united within the framework of civilization, which forms mechanisms for their collective manipulation. Russia’s special military operation in Ukraine made it possible to understand the alignment of societies in world civilizations and to understand their internal “rules of the game”.

Human Security as a Basic Ingredient for the Smooth Running of Society: The Nigerian Experience
Security is an essential component of any establishment’s growth, and without it, there is little progress. This explains why successive Nigerian governments have tried various approaches to restoring the country’s security. The threat to national security is multifaceted, ranging from the Islamic extremist group Boko Haram to Niger Delta extremist activities, rampant kidnappings in the Southeast, robberies, ritual killings and Herders/ farmers clashes across the country. However, the government’s efforts to restore peace in the country have not yielded significant results at various times. This study investigates the effectiveness of human security options in Nigeria as a means of achieving peace. The theoretical framework used in this study is the theory of frustration and aggression and the Marxist theory of structural conflict. And the methodology for the study is qualitative and used secondary sources. However, unemployment, corruption, injustice, poverty, and leadership failure are the major causes of insecurity in Nigeria. However, the burden of the aforementioned challenges necessitates solutions.

Administrative Traditions of China and Indonesia
Each country has a different administrative tradition, such as those found in China and Indonesia. The two countries are close to each other and have good relations to date. Chinese Confucian teachings that are still preserved today have brought this country to change. The method used in this study is a qualitative research method using a document or literature analysis approach. The use of this method aims to obtain material and empirical data obtained through journals and scientific papers, reports, books, and other documents related to the research being conducted. The results of the study explain that the evolution of administration in China occurred from generation to generation, giving the characteristics of each dynasty. Similar to China, in Indonesia, the people also adhere to Pancasila values and include these values in the administration of government in Indonesia. The Indonesian nation upholds ethnic differences and tolerance of religious differences. However, national values still refer to Pancasila ideology and do not use Confucian teachings in administering government in Indonesia.

Water Resources Management in Africa
The author of this article touches upon the problem of the water scarcity on the African continent, which turns into a real environmental disaster. As the root causes of the current situation, not only the climatic and geographical features of the continent, but in particular the problems of managing the rationalization of water resources, lack of funding and the lack of a sanitary and epidemiological culture of the local population are noted. On the example of the urban environment and large energy infrastructure, the most striking catalysts for the current critical situation in Africa are demonstrated. Despite the identified significant lag behind the experience of advanced countries in the field of environmental protection, the author reveals the prospects for a long-term partnership with Russia, as the bearer of many years of experience in successfully ecologozation the consumption of water resources.

Public Service Performance: A Case Study in Public Relation Information and Communication South Sulawesi Province
One of the tasks of the government is fulfilling community rights by providing services. Services provided should follow existing laws and regulations; fast, reliable, and appropriate services are the main foundation for fulfilling community rights. Service performance can be measured using a theory proposed by Dwiyanto; the theory presents five indicators: productivity, service quality, responsiveness, responsibility, and accountability. Our study employed a qualitative descriptive method and would provide a systematic, factual, and accurate description of the object under study. We described public services from the point of view of service performance and factors supporting and inhibiting the performance of bureaucratic services. Our finding showed that public service performance had no standard operating procedure, resulting in time uncertainty for the services provided. There was also a problem related to the low ability of human resources, resulting in constraints on responsiveness. However, public employees showed good accountability and responsibility in providing services. Thus, it is necessary to have standard operating procedures and include education and training staff.

Godfatherism and Its Effects on Nigeria’s Democracy
Godfatherism has been the focal point of political gangalism in Africa and other developing countries around the globe. Godfatherism has been a hallmark of Nigeria’s democracy today. With the restoration of democratic rule in 1999, the nation has seen an increase in the politics of godfatherism, which has slowed the consolidation of democracy while also undermining efficient state governance and restricting rather than broadening democratic representation. Godfatherism has taken its toll in the country’s politics, causing disharmony, disunity, conflict, and disaffection among various political and interest groups in the country. Its lethargy has exacerbated electoral passivism and aparthism, slowing Nigeria’s democratic transition. This study therefore, investigates the causes, nature and effects of godfatherism on Nigeria’s nascent democracy. The paper based its investigation on the elite theory and the study reveals that political godfatherism is responsible for weak institutions in the country. The study therefore, concludes that political godfathers and godsons have denied the people the rights to vote for their preferred candidate as their leaders. The study however, recommends that voting should be reformed to make it more difficult for individuals and institutions to finance political parties and politicians, this will go a long way towards eradicating godfatherism in Nigeria, and give room for democracy to flourish.