Approaches and Methodology of Forming the Worldview of High School Students: The Experience of Socialization of Donbass Children in the Summer Profile Shift

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The study deals with the problem of forming a worldview among high school students. The author tried to identify with the help of which tools schoolchildren from the territories of Gorlovka and Mariupol managed to find a common language and change their understanding of each other, as well as change their picture of the world. The developed recommendations can be used in working with teenagers by employees of regional authorities and municipalities.

About the authors

Evgenia S. Karyakina

Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-6714-9868

Student of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Mass Communications, Political Science of Economic Processes

49, Leningradsky pr., Moscow, Russian Federation, 125468


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