Psycho-images of Language Units in the Consciousness of the Individual - the Basis of Bilingual and Intercultural Communication
- Authors: Dzhusupov M.1
- Uzbek State University of World Languages
- Issue: Vol 20, No 3 (2023)
- Pages: 484-496
- URL:
- DOI:
- EDN:
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The contact of languages and cultures forms bilingualism and biculturalism at different levels of their functioning. The purpose of the article is to analyze and describe the dual simultaneous formation and functioning of bilingual and bicultural communication based on the material of contact between the Kazakh and Russian languages. Language is the basis of bilingualism and biculturalism, since both bilingual and intercultural processes in an individual and society are carried out through the use of language units. Psycho-images of linguistic units and cultural symbols are formed in the consciousness of an individual of society, which are the basis of monolingual and monocultural communication within an ethnos. These national-linguistic-cultural psycho-images contribute to the formation of foreign, foreign-cultural psycho-images in the minds of the future bilingual, bicultural individual and society. The materials of the study were Kazakh (In general, Turkic), Russian linguistic and speech units, universal and national-specific cultural concepts and symbols, which, on the one hand, give rise to interference, on the other hand, facilitation, the latter facilitates the assimilation of non-native languages and cultures. Therefore, teaching a second language will be more effective if it is carried out when teaching and language material is presented in a harmonious combination of the language, which, in content, are logically closely interconnected with the cultural values of the foreign people. In the course of the study, methods of comparative analysis, opposition of minimal pairs, methods and techniques of inductive and deductive nature were used. The results of the scientific research are of theoretical and practical importance in the aspect of the formation of bilingualism of knowledge, skills and abilities of intercultural communication in the conditions of active Turkic-foreign (Kazakh-Russian) bilingualism and biculturalism.
About the authors
Mahanbet Dzhusupov
Uzbek State University of World Languages
Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-2934-2333
Doctor of Philology, Professor, Honored Professor, Honorary Head of the Department of the Russian language
Kichik Halka str., 21-a, G-9A block, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 100138References
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