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Today Silvia Plat (1932-1963) is one of the most significant classics of American poetry of the twentieth century. She is a follower of Emily Dickinson’s poetic line. The aim of our work is to try to understand the title of the first poetic book of Plat, which was subjected to changes 8 times. Taking into account that isomorphism is one of the main poetic laws, we come to the conclusion that a consistent change of titles explicates the key to her life stages of individual experience, represented in the poems.

About the authors

S Danilova

Philology, History and Culture of the USA, St. Petersburg University

Author for correspondence.
Email: ichwerdewarten@gmail.com

Stefania Danilova - Member of the Russian Writers’ Union, winner of prestigious literary awards, undergraduate of the St. Petersburg University.

Universitetskaya, 7-9, St. Petersburg, Russia, 199034


  1. Plath S. The Collected Poems. Hughes T. (Ed.). New York. Harper & Row. 1981.
  2. Plat S. Stikhi [Poems]. Per. s angl. V. Betaki. M.: Zakharov. 2000.
  3. Venediktova T.D. Silviya Plat: dshcher kapitana Akhava [Sylvia Plath: Captain’s Akhav Daughter]. Literatura SShA: rozdumi. esei. rozvidki. Amerikanski literaturni studii v Ukraini. T. 3. Kiiv. 2006. S. 274—295.

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