Vol 25, No 3 (2020)


Specific of artistic world modeling in the Russian symbolism fiction: theory, trends, transpersonal models

Garipova G.T.


The article is devoted to the study of the peculiar properties of artistic world modeling in the Russian symbolism fiction with an emphasis on the anthropological and ontological concepts of Man and Being, structuring the “world-like” novel model. The ability to identify the evolutionary dynamics of both the aesthetic and ethical-philosophical paradigm of the modernist type of artistic consciousness, identified in the context of existentialization and neo-mythologization trends, determines the relevance of the research problem. The novelty of this research is in the analysis of the author's transpersonal models of myth in Russian modernist novels at the beginning of 20th century, in terms of knowledge of the “aesthetic imperative of integrity” integrating text consciousness (the world as a text), personal consciousness (I-being) and ontological consciousness (being-in-me). Mythological-cultural concepts of Christological philosophy of D. Merezhkovsky, the semiosphere of V. Bryusov’s novel “The Fiery Angel”, mythological codes of the anti-utopian novel-myth L. Andreev, reflecting the most important categories and attitudes of the transpersonal anthropological and religious-philosophical concepts of the “new religious consciousness” of Russian symbolism became the object of this study.

RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2020;25(3):399-423
pages 399-423 views

The image of Judas in the new and the newest fiction

Romenskikh P.V., Meskin V.A.


The purpose of the article is to answer the question: why did the uncompromising condemnation of the traitor disciple become a thing of the past, and why did writers begin to understand and then justify the actions of Judas in their own manner in the second half of the 19th century? To solve the problems, caused by this goal, the authors refer to the ideas of philosophers of the new time, who significantly influenced the worldview of artists of the word, especially G. Hegel, A. Schopenhauer, S. Kierkegaard, and in more detail - F. Nietzsche. Special attention was paid to the writers, who lived at the end of the new time and at the beginning of the modern time and who created the most striking works on this biblical theme. The philosophy and poetics of the Swede - T. Gedberg and the Russian - L. Andreev are analyzed in detail. This is the first such a detailed appeal to the famous Swede in a detailed comparison of his story about Judas with Andreev’s story about this character from the New Testament in Russian literary studies. It is proved that both writers reacted to the “crisis of consciousness” that was revealed at that time and that Nietzsche had the strongest attention on both prose writers, while in Andreev’s case Judas appears as a type of the superman.

RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2020;25(3):424-433
pages 424-433 views

Gogol’s traditions in V. Kaverin’s novel “The Troublemaker, or Evenings on Vasilyevsky Island”

Koltsova N.Z., Liu M.


The novel “The Troublemaker, or Evenings on Vasilyevsky Island” by V. Kaverin is one of the most representative manifestations of the “Russian Hoffmanian” of the 1920s, as evidenced by the grotesque imagery of the novel. The very understanding of the grotesque is not limited to the Bakhtin theory, but implies a reference to the works of V. Kaiser and V. Shklovsky. Besides, it is suggested that the Saint Petersburg theme, which is relevant to the writer, is being developed under the banner of the formalist concept of literary life, as well as other ideas and theories of Russian formalism (including the theory of alienation). Kaverin succeeds in putting not only literature itself into the context of the Saint Petersburg myth, but also literature studies, which makes it possible to talk about the work as one of the brightest embodiments of the “philological novel”, the most important characteristic of which is the accentuated intertextual beginning. The work asserts that motives and themes, images and details, syntactic constructions, and even a composition (including a chronotope) of V. Kaverin’s first novel fits into Gogol’s system of coordinates. The Kaverin’s text is a construction assembled from fragments and details of Gogol’s text according to Gogol’s own rules.

RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2020;25(3):434-446
pages 434-446 views

Literary searches of the poets of the Far East emigration: versification poetics of Larissa Andersen

Tsmykal O.E.


The article analyses the versification features of the poetess of Russian Harbin Larissa Andersen in the general context of the literary process of the Far Eastern branch of Russian emigration. The novelty of this study is determined by the fact that the versification poetics of Larissa Andersen’s works for the first time becomes the subject of independent and systematic study. The object of the study is the lyrics of L. Andersen of the Far Eastern period (1920-1940s). The purpose of the article is a holistic study of the poetics of L. Andersen versification of 1920-1940-ies on the material of her Harbin works, the collection of poems “Through the Earth’s Meadows” (1942) and the collective collection “The Island” (1946). The author of the article concludes that the technical, formal side of the verse is not a dominant for Larissa Andersen, which reflects the general immediacy of the poetess’ lyrics. However, if the concept of the work requires it, Andersen resorts to unusual means of versioning (including meter, rhyme and rhythm searches). Larissa Andersen doesn’t ignore experiments, which result in poems resembling children’s poetry, folk poetry, Chinese classical poetry, futurist lyrics, etc.

RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2020;25(3):447-457
pages 447-457 views

The artistic time of the Moscow text by Yuri Polyakov

Ibadova N.E.


The article explores the poetics of the image of Moscow in the prose of the outstanding Russian writer of modern times, Yuri Mikhailovich Polyakov. The Moscow text of the Muscovite writer is analyzed in the context of the study of artistic time. Present in all the works of Yu. Polyakov’s image of Moscow is multi-valued, complex, presented in various aspects and correlated with specific epochs. The characteristic features of creating the Moscow text of Polyakov are descriptive reflection based on small details and details, the use of horizontal and vertical communication lines. Special attention is paid to the study of artistic techniques by which the writer, a master of “grotesque realism”, satirically depicts urban realities. The dynamics of changes in the appearance of the capital from Soviet Moscow through perestroika to a modern metropolis that is losing its national identity is traced.

RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2020;25(3):458-467
pages 458-467 views

Karachay-Balkar poetry of the modern time: the problem of national artistic traditions

Kerimova R.A.


This article is the first to consider a diverse thematic layer of the latest Karachay-Balkarian poetry of the late XX - early XXI centuries. The study was based on an analysis of the writers of the 90-ies: Arthur Bakkuev, Luba Akhmatova, Aishat Kushcheterova, and the latest generation of poets of the XXI century: Shamil Uzdenov, Amina Gazaeva, Nauruz Bayramkulov, Diana Rakhaeva, Ismail Baytuganova. The author proves the point of view on the revival of consciousness relics of archaic forms of worldview in the artistic culture of the region, as well as the priority of established fundamental values and stereotypes in the poetic consciousness of the young generation of poets. At the same time, the influence of Islamic ideas on modern national literature is growing. This is evidenced by the nature of their poetic self-expression regarding topics and problems, which is ontological in nature. Poets actively operate with traditional archetypes and symbols (stone, water, wood), as well as religious vocabulary (Allah, fate, destiny, prayer, etc.). As a result of the study, the main trends, key aspects in the development of creative consciousness were identified, the dominants of value-orientational unity in the content and problems of the works were identified.

RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2020;25(3):468-478
pages 468-478 views

Sherlock Holmes and Erast Fandorin: the peculiarities of Akunin’s dialogue with Conan Doyle

Afanasyeva O.V., Gereikhanova K.F.


The article analyzes the receptions of A.С. Doyle’s masterpieces and the circle of novels “Fandorin” by Boris Akunin. Based on the analysis of the works “Azazel”, “Decorator”, “Scarpei Baskakovs”, “Prisoner of the Tower”, a number of conclusions are made about the specifics of B. Akunin’s intertextual strategy. It is shown that the intertextual dialogue between Akunin and Conan Doyle is carried out through character and narrative projections, in particular, structural stylization, the transposition of the plot on Russian soil, etc. The ambiguous role of Conan Doyle receptions, performing, firstly, the para-genre (detective) function of plot-semantic coding, secondly, the function of the transtextual riddle, the solution of which lies outside the work - in the Conan Doyle pretext, thirdly, the function of a parody imitation of the predecessor’s stylistic manner, including the specifics of Russian translations of short stories about Sherlock Holmes, is revealed.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2020;25(3):479-486
pages 479-486 views

Dynamic types of artistic image: Roman Ingarden’s phenomenology and literary theory

Aksenova A.A.


The article is devoted to the question of some data obtained by Polish philosopher Roman Ingarden, and primarily to his study of the literary work of art. Development upon Ingarden’s ideas is associated with use of Russian authors which are rarely treated in phenomenological aesthetics. The dynamic types of the image structure is that appear as potential states and actualize themselves in the reader’s reception as problem of imageability of fictional entities. Thus the dynamic character of types of an image structure is a transition from non-thematic background into its actual state and back. To study the visual in fiction, one must understand that the reader’s encounter with the literary work actualizes potential types, which, according to R. Ingarden, “sparkle and go out”. The visual nature of the aesthetic object directly depends on which of these potential states are actualized.

RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2020;25(3):487-496
pages 487-496 views

W. Morris’s tradition in J.R.R. Tolkien’s epic fantasy

Maratova Z.Z., Nazarova T.V.


This article offers a comprehensive review of W. Morris’ influence on the epic fantasy of J.R.R. Tolkien. The purpose of the research is to reflect how Morris’ tradition influenced the development of Tolkien’s fantastic prose - which later formed a separate subgenre of epic fantasy - and the whole fantasy genre. The objectives of the study include tracing the history of the development of fantastic element in literature - which served as a basis for the works of both authors - and finding poetological similarities and differences between W. Morris and J.R.R. Tolkien. The comparative study is based on the works of V. Gopman and K. Massey as well as on the original writings of Morris and Tolkien. The result of the study is the justification for W. Morris as the natural literary precursor of Tolkien. Based on the influence and partial borrowing of Morris’ imagery and motifs, Tolkin develops the theoretical foundation for the genre of magical fairy tale, which will later be called “fantasy”.

RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2020;25(3):497-510
pages 497-510 views

Songwriting and functional load in the “Diary of Ephemeral Life”

Gafurova K.S.


In the history of Japan, the Heian era is considered the “golden age”, the heyday of aristocratic literature. It was then that the aristocracy became the creator of literary works, which to this day are the masterpieces of world literature. One of the unique phenomena of Japanese classical literature is recognized diary, including female diary literature of the Heian era (IX-XII centuries). Diary literature differs from other genres in terms of presentation style, artistic language, plot and composition, figurative system, presentation methods. Mitsitsuno no haha (935-996), who enriched the Japanese medieval art tradition with an original literary style, a new theme, a new poetic vision, new sensuality, is recognized as the most striking representative of women’s diary literature in Japan. In the “Diary of Ephemeral Life”, by Mitsitsu no haha the tradition of poetic inserts is widely embodied, a special layer of poetic material (three-part, five-part) is highlighted. They serve as a necessary attribute for conveying an emotional mood, creating an image, enhancing important moments of importance. Considering the artistic features of the diary, the author of the article makes an attempt to suggest that poems are additional material in the transfer of various emotional states of the heroine. Poetic insertions enhance one or another mood, establish an emotional connection between the external and internal world of the author. Analysis of poetic inserts makes it possible to determine their functional load.

RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2020;25(3):511-520
pages 511-520 views


Public relations on the mediatization context: a conceptual research framework

Shilina M.G.


The paper presents the first in Russian scientific discourse public relations (PR) concept analysis on the digital data-driven mediatization context. These phenomena comparative analysis results offer a more relevant research approach, conceptual framework and tools for the public relations and mediatization studies. It is important to use the subject-to-object research paradigm to identify the main subjects - communication customers - to determine the parameters of the communicative figuration in the mediatization studies more accurately. The practical and conceptual mediatization and public relations framework is being transformed due the newest “deep” mediatization paradigm which provokes a conceptual mediation and public relations convergence.

RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2020;25(3):521-530
pages 521-530 views

The phenomenon of fan creativity: the main directions of studies

Algavi L.O., Kharchenko A.V.


The article considers the main directions of foreign and domestic studies of fan communities and fan creative production. The article synthesizes theoretical knowledge collected abroad. Media fandoms are understood as interpretive, participatory communities that are able to influence media production. Fanfiction is shown as one of the forms of expression of criticism and various potential interpretations and meanings of the original work. The Russian scientific community also refers to fan communities as “interpretive communities”. Fanfiction is defined as a literary work that performs the function of demonstrating a variety of individual reader’s interpretations of the work. It was revealed that despite the existence of some differences in approaches to the study of fan creativity, there is a common focus on the activity of the audience. More attention is given to the study of collective meaning-making and ways of expressing different interpretations of the original media product.

RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2020;25(3):531-541
pages 531-541 views

Is Germany a “digital outsider”?

Gaponova E.M.


The article is devoted to digitalization in Germany, taking into account the historical context. The scientific novelty and relevance of the study lies in the fact that the German digital media history is examined against the background of the transformation of the media system, mainly after the reunification of the two German states. The scientific significance of the research results is that the following conflict is presented and resolved. On the one hand, Germany has long been ranked among the countries in which multimedia is actively involved in everyday life, and the problem of “digital divide” (digitale Kluft or digitale Spaltung), which caused heated discussion in the world in the mid-1990s not typical for an economically developed country like Germany. On the other hand, in 2018-2019 scientific publications appeared in which the country was presented as a digital outsider, which means that the federal government’s strategy for the development of information and communication technologies has not been properly developed. The author studies digitalization in Germany in the following aspects: historical, substantial and economic, making an attempt to analyze the current situation.

RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2020;25(3):542-553
pages 542-553 views

Data visualization in Indian print media: a comparative study of English and Hindi newspapers

Kumar A., Gaur P.


The advancing technology is affecting every aspect of life and journalism is also not untouched by this. Due to digitalization, huge amount of data is being generated and the continuous advancement of computer science has made it possible to extract meaningful information by storing and analysing this huge data. The term “data journalism” has become quite popular over the last decade. Analysing data sets, extracting newsworthy information from it and passing it on to the public is data journalism. Data visualization also has a very important place in this whole process. Data visualization is used to communicate information extracted from the data to the users in a clear, interesting and engaging way. The amount of data-based content has started increasing in the news media as well, so the importance of data visualization has also increased. The use of data visualization improves readers’ reading experience and also helps to better understand the data-based content. This preliminary study focuses on the use of data visualizations by English and Hindi newspapers in India. In this research, a comparative study of various aspects of the use of data visualizations in English and Hindi newspapers has been done. Content analysis with quantitative approach has been employed as the research method. This study reveals that there is a big difference in every aspect of the use of data visualizations in English and Hindi newspapers. English newspaper used data visualizations in a better way than their Hindi counterpart.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2020;25(3):554-566
pages 554-566 views

Classification of alternative media

Dmitriev O.A.


This article reviews the attempt to classify alternative media - the outlets that won the trust of the audience and has a critical approach to the mainstream publications and TV channels. Special attention is paid to the content delivery, area of operations, opportunities for content monetization, as well as to the information credibility and to the process of content verification in international alternative media. The classification endeavors to make the studies of the emerging alternative media and their potential for credibility more systematic.

RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2020;25(3):567-575
pages 567-575 views

Opportunities and risks in the process of socialization of modern adolescents in the medium of new media

Jin H.


The article presents the results of several studies that demonstrate the impact of new (digital) media on the socialization of adolescents. This article aims to show the problem of studying opportunities and risks in the process of communication of the younger generation in the online space. Researchers whose works are highlighted in this article pointed out the positive impact of new media, as well as pay attention to the following risks that teenagers face on the Web: negative information, cyberbullying, addiction from smartphones and laptops, Internet fraud, and personal data leakage. These and other factors induce the transformation of the psychological state of adolescents, change their consciousness, and correct behavior. To mitigate and eliminate the negative impact of digital media on adolescents, the author proposes to discuss preventive measures systemically, in the “government - society - media platform” paradigm, noting that the self-regulation of platforms is an essential tool for non-state influence on the situation. The author also notes the need for the formation of media literacy among teenagers and parents.

RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2020;25(3):576-585
pages 576-585 views


Scientific seminar dedicated to 120th anniversary of the birth of Artem Vesely

Malygina N.M.


The chronicle of the scientific seminar held on February 6, 2020 in the Department of Manuscripts of the A.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences and dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the birth of Artem Vesely reviews twelve reports that examined the biography of the writer, his work as an editor of the newspaper of the city of Melekessa of the Samara province “The Banner of Communism”, his role in the literary process of the 1920-1930, creative ties with contemporary writers, and analyzed the poetics of the studies “Native Country”, “Russia Washed in Blood”, “Liberty”, “Barefoot Truth”, etc.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2020;25(3):607-612
pages 607-612 views


Screen communications in the digital economy: Book review of “Screen Communications as a Factor in the Socialization of Media Space”: Interuniversity collective monograph / ed. by S.L. Urazova. Moscow, Akademiya mediaindustrii Publ., 2019. 398 p.

Vartanova E.L.


The author reviews the main provisions of the multidisciplinary collective monograph “Screen Communications as a Factor in the Socialization of Media Space”, created by leading media researchers of eleven Russian universities and published in 2019.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2020;25(3):586-588
pages 586-588 views

National features of the popularization of science in Russia: historical background and current condition

Penzina A.I.


The article discusses the current topic of the popularization of science and the features of its dissemination through the media. Science began to develop more rapidly. A lot of new research is causing great interest among people. But often, scientific works remain only the property of the scientific community. The article is a phased analysis of the historical and modern features of the popularization of science in Russia, including the development of the popular science genre. The author gives a model developed by the domestic researcher A. Vaganov. Based on the proposed model of A. Vaganov, it is concluded that today the audience is again faced with scientific knowledge in an unscientific environment. There is an increase in interest in the so-called “popular science”, but not in science. The article reveals the key elements of the system of popularization of science in Russia, in which the media play a special role. The popularization of science in Russia today is becoming more efficient thanks to the participation of journalists. Meanwhile, a problem arises because it is sometimes difficult for a journalist to understand the coverage of such a broad topic as science, which unites several dozen different areas.

RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2020;25(3):589-597
pages 589-597 views

Media consumption in Ukraine in 2018-2020

Chebanenko V.V.


This article analyzes the media market of Ukraine during the period from 2018 to 2020. The study includes social and political phenomena that had an effect on media consumption in Ukraine. Firstly, at the end of 2018, the presidential election campaign contributed to the mass digitalization of the country. Then at the begging of 2020, news consumption was highly increased due to the situation with coronavirus pandemic. The article provides statistics on the Ukrainization of media content.

RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2020;25(3):598-606
pages 598-606 views

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