Literary searches of the poets of the Far East emigration: versification poetics of Larissa Andersen
- Authors: Tsmykal O.E.1
- Amur State University
- Issue: Vol 25, No 3 (2020)
- Pages: 447-457
- URL:
- DOI:
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The article analyses the versification features of the poetess of Russian Harbin Larissa Andersen in the general context of the literary process of the Far Eastern branch of Russian emigration. The novelty of this study is determined by the fact that the versification poetics of Larissa Andersen’s works for the first time becomes the subject of independent and systematic study. The object of the study is the lyrics of L. Andersen of the Far Eastern period (1920-1940s). The purpose of the article is a holistic study of the poetics of L. Andersen versification of 1920-1940-ies on the material of her Harbin works, the collection of poems “Through the Earth’s Meadows” (1942) and the collective collection “The Island” (1946). The author of the article concludes that the technical, formal side of the verse is not a dominant for Larissa Andersen, which reflects the general immediacy of the poetess’ lyrics. However, if the concept of the work requires it, Andersen resorts to unusual means of versioning (including meter, rhyme and rhythm searches). Larissa Andersen doesn’t ignore experiments, which result in poems resembling children’s poetry, folk poetry, Chinese classical poetry, futurist lyrics, etc.
About the authors
Olga E. Tsmykal
Amur State University
Author for correspondence.
master of Philology, Assistant of the Department of Literature and World Art Culture
21 Ignatievskoe Highway, Blagoveshchensk, 675000, Russian FederationReferences
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