
Factors Determining the Limits of Legal Integration
Pavlova N.G.
Judge as a new sovereign: voluntaristic interpretation theory of M. Troper
Timoshina E.V.
Dialogue between civil society and the state in Russia: prospects and opportunities
Lagutkin A.V., Grudtsyn L.Y., Ponomarev A.M.
Implementation the concept of democracy through law in court decisions
Vinogradova S.A.
Right to information: modern approach in international law
Zabara I.M.
International control of national registers pollutant release and transfer
Solntsev A.M., Petrova N.A.
Human rights and women's reproductive health in the countries of Latin America
Mustafa G.A.
Gavrilova Y.A.
S.F. Udartsev. Constitution and evolution of a society (issues of theory and legal philosophy)
Nurpeisov E.K.
Convergence of private and public law in the modern legislation of the Russian Federation
Ivanova S.A., Grebennikov V.V.
Right of the boy to receive upbringing as a boy, right of the girl to receive upbringing as a girl
Ponkin I.V., Ponkina A.A.
The second Universal Periodic Review of the Russian Federation
Abashidze A.K., Adu Y.N.
Poverty - the violation of human rights
Abashidze A.K., Koneva A.E.
Fluctuations in system of civil society
Grudtsyna L.Y., Lagutkin A.V.
Guarantees and content of the constitutional right to education in the constitutions of the foreign states
Petrosyan T.E.
Role of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in implementation and development of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedom
Abashidze A.K.
The provisions of Germany's constitution on implementation of international agreements on human rights into internal legal system
Abashidze A.K.
Protection of cultural rights of the vulnerable groups: international legal aspects
Volkova N.V.
101 - 118 of 118 Items << < 1 2 

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