Vol 20, No 2 (2023)
- Year: 2023
- Articles: 8
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/informatization-education/issue/view/1675
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2312-8631-2023-20-2
Full Issue
Definition of reflection characteristics of educational process participants with artificial intelligence application
Problem statement . Artificial intelligence (AI) conversational tools like chat-bots, virtual assistants and dialog trainers begin to apply in education. However, its efficiency wasn't explored because of novelty and lack of related application experience. In this research an approach to conversations based on AI is considered as means to define reflection of educational process participants. And definition results of reflection are compared between an AI conversational tool and an expert's assessment in the educational process. Methodology . Opportunities of conversational simulations based on AI were analysed for reflection assessment. Behavioural markers of reflection in communication were developed as well as assessment procedures in online mode with AI simulations and in offline mode with an expert assessment. Research was provided as a part of the volunteer’s competition. There were 65 participants of the research, students of schools and universities. Statistical processing of the results was performed using Pearson's criteria. Results. Weak correlation was detected between AI and expert assessment. Conclusion. Suggestions were offered about AI assessment improvement for increasing assessment precision of reflection of educational process participants from the methodological point of view as well as from AI algorithms development.

Approaches to designing a model for developing students’ universal competencies within the framework of developing and implementing the Smart University concept
Problem statement. The authors deal with the components of universal competences in terms of applying technological innovations in the learning process. A fragment of the model for shaping universal competencies of students based on the concept of Smart University is described. The study is aimed at substantiating the approaches to designing a model for the formation of universal competencies, presenting their theoretical analysis based on the concept of Smart University and considering their features, structure, and classification. Methodology. The approach to designing a model of universal competence formation is based on the analysis of acronym SMART decoding and the structure of the concept Smart University. The matrix of overview of the concept of universal competence in a modern context is proposed. Results. The universal competences are understood as smart competences united by five types of competences: professional, motivational, adaptive, key, and digital. The formation of six groups of universal competences is justified: system and critical thinking; project development and implementation; teamwork and leadership; civic-patriotic behavior; self-organization and self-education; technological solution. The created model defines the structure of universal competences and serves as a criterion for assessing students' abilities. Conclusion. Smart competences are a response to the current economic situation. The approach is structured for educational organizations that share a development policy in combination with technology. The results may be of some interest to scholars in the field of education informatization, teachers and university managers on innovation and education policy.

Learning analytics in Russia and abroad: level of development, trends and prospects
Problem statement. Learning analytics is an emerging scientific field, which studies learners and learning process based on data from digital environment. The aim of the study - to observe the development of learning analytics, its prospects and limitations and detecting the state of art of this scientific field in Russia. Methodology . The study is based on context analysis of scientific articles on the topic in the public domain. Special attention is given to reviewing scientific publications of Russian-speaking authors devoted to analytics of education data and the implementation of learning analytics tools in the educational process. Results . The research detects the global directions of learning analytics development and its problematic aspects. It provides the quantitative and qualitative analysis of scientific publications of Russian-speaking authors and identifiers the most popular research questions in the learning analytics field. It proposes the author’s vision of the hierarchy of directions for learning analytics development, consisting of the research aspect, the environment transformation aspect and the legal regulation aspect. The national initiatives in the digitalization of education are briefly discussed. Conclusion . A certain lag in the level of development of learning analytics in Russia from the global one is revealed. At the same time, there is a noticeable increase in interest to this area among individual researchers, educational institutions and at the state level, which allows us to count on positive changes.

Digital transformation of quality management of educational business processes
Problem statement. Educational institutions are actively moving towards digitalization processes. These processes have to be implemented not from scratch, but taking into account the databases, information systems and technologies already applied at the informatization stage and used. Therefore, issues related to the concept of digital transformation of educational organizations become relevant. The study aimed to present the general principles and approaches to the implementation of the digital transformation of educational business processes, formed on the basis of studying domestic and foreign experience, as well as on the basis of the author's experience of participating in the informatization and digitalization of educational institutions in Russia and Kazakhstan. Methodology. The methods for systematizing the approaches of domestic and foreign researchers to the definition of the concept of digital transformation, problems, experience and prospects for the digitalization of educational organizations, methods of mathematical and computer modeling, methods of development of information management systems, methods of quality management system were used. Results. The experience and principles of continuous digital transformation of the quality management of educational business processes at the Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies are presented. The distinctive features of digital transformation are described: documentation support for educational programs, publishing process, intermediate certification, digital footprint formation, teaching workload management for teachers, classroom fund, system of local regulations, executive discipline of employees (“Executor Calendar”). As a result of the digital transformation of the quality management of educational business processes, an increase in target indicators and an increase in the efficiency of educational processes were noted. Conclusion. Digital transformation should develop the positive results of the informatization stage. Using the principles of the process approach, standardization and documentation of processes within the quality management system simplifies the setting of the goal and objectives of digital transformation. The principles of ensuring demand and process control allow us to consider the digital transformation of process quality management as an indicative feedback control system. The tasks of digital transformation should include: continuous improvement of the activities of an educational organization, optimization of procedures for achieving its target indicators, prevention of various inconsistencies. Digitalization processes must be continuous, taking into account the constantly changing external and internal challenges and expectations of the education system and society.

Didactics and pedagogical anthropology of digital educational environments
Problem statement. In the context of the scientific and technological development of the country, the implementation of the federal experiment on the development of digital educational environments, the introduction of new legal regimes for digital transformations of industries, including education, the issues of fundamental and applied developments in pedagogical anthropology and didactics of digital educational environments are being updated. The development of expert tools for assessing the developing functionality of digital educational environments is becoming relevant. The aim of the study is to analyze digital means of pedagogical activity, to systematize changes in didactic principles. Methodology. Analysis of the development of didactics, pedagogical anthropology in the context of the use of digital didactic tools is based on the study of digital educational environments created during the federal experiment. The study of digital didactic tools used by teachers was organized during the annual interregional webinar of the Russian Academy of Education. According to the research methodology, the requirements for the preparation of reports by webinar participants were based on the structured interview method. Results. The frontiers of changes in didactics and pedagogical anthropology in the conditions of digital educational environments are characterized. Essential changes in the practice of pedagogical activity, ways of organizing the educational process, ways of constructing the interaction of participants in educational relations are revealed. The results presented in the publication are significant for the development of the methodology of modern didactics and pedagogical anthropology and the theory and practice of expertise in education in terms of assessing the developmental functionality of digital educational environments. Conclusion. To evaluate the results of the federal experiment on the introduction of digital educational environments, a proven methodology for the examination of the developing functionality of digital educational environments is needed.

Integration of approaches to employer - college interaction using information environment tools in the context of vocational training
Problem statement . The research is devoted to the interaction in the training of highly qualified personnel using the means of the information environment. The integration of employers and the college considered as an innovative guideline for the development and formation of future specialists in the real sector of the economy. The authors deal with the issue of information media tools that take into account current trends and innovations in the preparation and formation of college students. Methodology . The analysis of foreign and domestic works on this problem is made. With the help of open resources, the integration of interaction between employers and the college using the means of the information environment is considered. Results . The approaches of employer - college interaction are analyzed using the means of the information environment on the example of the Moscow region in order to increase the professional training of college graduates. Conclusion . Modern requirements in the training of specialists require the college to integrate more widely with employers, who should become interested participants in the educational process. The college has a task - to prepare professional personnel in demand in the labor market. For the successful implementation of this task, it is necessary jointly implement modern approaches in the training of future specialists.

Future mathematics teachers’ implementation of research activities based on dynamic mathematics software GeoGebra
Problem statement. The digital transformation of higher education significantly affects the organization of pedagogical universities students’ research activities. Therefore, two important problems can be identified. Firstly, the matter of discovering information technology tools and directions for their use for the implementation of research work of future mathematics teachers studying in 1-2 courses. And secondly, the problem of choosing a mathematical topic, the solution of which with the help of digital technologies would lead to some interesting results that have elements of novelty. The purpose of this study is to identify the line of research of a mathematical nature, the implementation of which relies heavily on the dynamic mathematics software GeoGebra’s features. Methodology. Some features of the GeoGebra dynamic mathematics software and its application in geometric studies are analyzed. To study geometric figures, methods of visualization of mathematical objects and of experimental mathematics are used. Results. Some possibilities of dynamic mathematics software applicability in research and development of pedagogical universities’ mathematical profile students are considered. In these circumstances, the emphasis is on research related to the study of spatial curves and their planar projections, the construction of which naturally relies on the principles of displaying three-dimensional objects on a screen. The role of dynamic mathematics software in such studies mainly lies in the visualization of considered geometric objects, which makes it possible to identify possible properties of the constructed curves, and then, using available mathematical apparatus, to confirm their validity. Conclusion. The direction of designing and studying geometric objects using the GeoGebra dynamic mathematics software, which formed the basis of several research works of undergraduate students, is presented.

Mechanisms for managing the processes of digital transformation of the school: development of digital competencies of teachers
Problem statement. The results of a pilot project on the introduction of a structural-functional model for managing the process of developing digital competencies of teachers as an intra-school system of advanced training with a focus on professional deficits in the field of digital competencies of teachers and target methodological support are discussed. The goal of the project is to increase the level of digital competencies of teachers to modernize the educational process of a modern school, change pedagogical practices and learning formats. The project is intended for secondary schools implementing digital transformation scenarios. Methodology. The study of the deficits of digital competencies of teachers was carried out on the basis of SAMR tools and monitoring of digital transformation, the analysis of educational resources of digital platforms, learning formats for building programs for the development of digital competencies. Results. The obtained empirical data on the approbation of management technologies based on data is discussed. The classification of the resources necessary for the project implementation is given, the key performance indicators are determined, the mechanisms for the implementation of the project are shown. Conclusion. Practical experience in modeling the processes of managing the development of digital competencies of teachers can be used by the heads of educational organizations, education authorities to design digital transformation projects and programs, expand the practice of using digital tools by teachers, and accelerate the dynamics of digitalization processes in educational organizations.