Didactics and pedagogical anthropology of digital educational environments


Problem statement. In the context of the scientific and technological development of the country, the implementation of the federal experiment on the development of digital educational environments, the introduction of new legal regimes for digital transformations of industries, including education, the issues of fundamental and applied developments in pedagogical anthropology and didactics of digital educational environments are being updated. The development of expert tools for assessing the developing functionality of digital educational environments is becoming relevant. The aim of the study is to analyze digital means of pedagogical activity, to systematize changes in didactic principles. Methodology. Analysis of the development of didactics, pedagogical anthropology in the context of the use of digital didactic tools is based on the study of digital educational environments created during the federal experiment. The study of digital didactic tools used by teachers was organized during the annual interregional webinar of the Russian Academy of Education. According to the research methodology, the requirements for the preparation of reports by webinar participants were based on the structured interview method. Results. The frontiers of changes in didactics and pedagogical anthropology in the conditions of digital educational environments are characterized. Essential changes in the practice of pedagogical activity, ways of organizing the educational process, ways of constructing the interaction of participants in educational relations are revealed. The results presented in the publication are significant for the development of the methodology of modern didactics and pedagogical anthropology and the theory and practice of expertise in education in terms of assessing the developmental functionality of digital educational environments. Conclusion. To evaluate the results of the federal experiment on the introduction of digital educational environments, a proven methodology for the examination of the developing functionality of digital educational environments is needed.

About the authors

Olga A. Agatova

Russian Academy of Education

Author for correspondence.
Email: olga_agatova@mail.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-3004-8067

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Laboratory for the Development of the Digital Educational Environment

8 Pogodinskaya St, Moscow, 119121, Russian Federation


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