Vol 17, No 2 (2020)
- Year: 2020
- Articles: 7
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/informatization-education/issue/view/1347
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2312-8631-2020-17-2
Full Issue
Improving the quality of Portuguese SMEs through competence evaluation

Hybrid environments for training engineering students the basics of working with geodetic equipment
Problem and goal. The article describes an approach to solving the actual problem of identifying effective and approved by students blended learning tools in the initial stages of working with equipment for engineering education courses. The goal of the research was to study the applicability of hybrid environments of simplified configuration for learning work with geodetic equipment based on interactive virtual educational tools and students' mobile devices in the Novosibirsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (Sibstrin). Methodology. A variant of hybrid laboratories with a virtual component and a variable (on-site or mobile) physical component is quite new for pedagogical research. The physical component is important when learning geodetic equipment since stationary devices are studied at university laboratories when portable analogs are used in real geodetic practice. The virtual component of a hybrid environment during initial work with engineering equipment can be represented by a set of multimedia educational tools that simulate the operation of engineering instruments and devices with a high degree of interactivity which available on one online platform for a specific engineering course. Results. The study found that the presented configuration of the hybrid environment is effectively applicable for initial work with geodetic equipment and is approved by students both during laboratory work in an on-site stationary laboratory, as well when using portable equipment and mobile devices in geodetic practice. Conclusion. For the initial stages of training students for working with geodetic equipment, a hybrid learning environment configuration is proposed based on interactive virtual educational tools and mobile devices which is an affordable and functional solution for engineering universities. Virtual e-learning tools can be accumulated on the site with online support for a separate engineering course and supplemented by means of distance interaction and cooperation of the lecturer and students. The hybrid environment can be used for initial training when working in a stationary laboratory or for conducting a professional business game or individual practical tasks on the ground with portable geodetic equipment.

Designing a training management system based on the project management method
Problem and purpose. The article considers research on comparing various opensource learning management systems in distance education and educational process management. With all the variety of diverse education management systems, the choice of the optimal model remains quite difficult. The integration of the electronic education management system into the global process of management and training in the system of higher professional education means a reorientation of the educational process to modern needs in the effective use of information and telecommunication technologies. The relevance of the article is defined by the urgency of the transition to the active and widespread use of information and telecommunication technologies in the management of the educational process; the ambiguity of the ways and degree of integration of electronic education management systems into the real process of managing a pedagogical university; the discussion of the choice of a model of the education management system and the need for scientific justification of the optimal strategy for developing a specially designed educational process management system. The problem is determined by the need to analyze and compare the Moodle distance learning system with other open source learning management systems, and identify all interested parties in the process of selecting such a management system, create a step-by-step guide for choosing a management system, and compile an individual list of functions that are consistent with priorities learning and objectives of the university. The purpose of the article is to describe approaches to the development of organizational forms for organizing the learning process, to determine the possibilities of implementing new approaches to managing the educational process. Methodology. The methodological basis was the analysis of the significance and development of distance education systems in Russian pedagogy. In the works of scientists (A.A. Andreev, V.F. Gornev, Yu.P. Gospodarik, V.I. Kinelev, V.P. Kolmogorov, V.N. Lazarev, A.V. Mogilev, V.I. Ovsyannikov, O.P. Okolelov, E.S. Polat, A.E. Petrov, V.I. Soldatkin, E.G. Skibitsky, V.P. Tikhomirov, O.B. Tyschenko, A.V. Khutorsky, V.D. Shadrikov, V.A. Shapovalov) the extensive range of ideas about the nature and content of distance education, the features of the educational process, the specifics of management and organization of such a process is analyzed in sufficient detail. Results. The expediency of using the electronic control system in the university’s management system is justified, and the technology of designing and using additional modules, taking into account the university’s target settings, and building the “Electronic Dean’s” module on this basis is proposed. The principles and conditions for the organization of the management process in an educational organization are identified, the project management method is considered as the basis for designing a model for managing the educational process using information and telecommunication technologies. Conclusion. The results led to the conclusion that the informatization of education is becoming a priority for the development of all educational organizations. The introduction of an electronic document management system will save a huge part of teachers’ working time, and a new approach to compiling courses will significantly improve the content of modern education. The proposed model for the implementation of information technology allows to speed up the collection, processing of a large amount of information, optimize the time and money spent on decision-making, improve the quality of managerial decisions by providing relevant, reliable information. When selecting information and software systems, it is important to correctly determine the requirements, criteria, as well as the functions, responsibilities, tasks of the employees for whom they should be intended.

Approaches to improving the training of teachers working under the International Baccalaureate programs in the field of education informatization
Problem and goal. The article is devoted to studying the possibilities of working with the Moscow Electronic School project. The goal was to develop programs to improve the training of teachers in Moscow schools. This goal required to design a model for improving the training of teachers working under the International Baccalaureate programs in the field of education informatization, to develop the content of teacher training, to organize and conduct such training, based on an active study of the possibilities of the Moscow Electronic School project for teachers of International Baccalaureate schools, as well as evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed training program. Methodology. In the course of the study, a set of methods was used: analysis of normative documents related to the professional training of teachers, study of literature, including those presented by the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO), search and analysis of the resources of the Moscow Electronic School project library, study of the experience of using services in the system education of the city of Moscow, a pedagogical experiment. Results. The article presents a fragment of a pedagogical experiment to improve the training of teachers working under the International Baccalaureate programs, aimed at developing skills in working with the Moscow Electronic School project. The study confirmed the relevance of the problem, which consists in the need to improve the training of teachers in Moscow schools working under the International Baccalaureate programs in the field of education informatization, including in the field of work with the resources of the Moscow Electronic School project. The results of the study allowed to find approaches to solving the identified problem. Conclusion. It is proposed to supplement the content of the discipline “Modern Teaching Technologies” in the framework of the master’s training of teachers working under the International Baccalaureate programs, with topics related to studying the resources of the Moscow Electronic School project in the activities of a teacher working under the International Baccalaureate programs, as well as a system of practical work that takes into account the specifics of the International Baccalaureate school.

To commemorate the 75th anniversary of Victory in the World War II: how has digitalization changed our attitude to history
Problem and goal. The actual problem of digitalization means, degree and consequences of influence on fostering public and personal opinion in society is considered in the article. The purpose of the study was to show that digitalization is qualitatively changing some aspects of social life. Methodology. Determination of digitalization means, degree and consequences of influence on some aspects of social life was carried out by analysis of work results of some sites/portals devoted to events of World War II. Results. Digitalization nowadays is a process being quickly spread all around the world. It covers a wide range of human activities: business, industry, agriculture, education, healthcare, culture and social life. The process being very new, complex and challenging demands developing of a high (state) level strategy such as “ Industrie 4.0” - one of ten projects for State Hi-Tech Strategy of Germany up 2020 or “Digital Economy of the Russian Federation”. Moreover it becomes obvious that digitalization influences not only “production” but also society. In 2016 Japan released concept “Society 5.0” - a large plan of social transformations. Interesting and remarkable results in fostering some aspects of social life were also reached in the Russian Federation during preparation of Great Victory 75th anniversary celebration. Conclusion. It is demonstrated that massive digitalization of personal archives (photos, documents, family/participant of events stories, eyewitness accounts) as well as access to archived data of state institutions and possibility to translate all information for free has fostered qualitatively new personal and social attitude to remarkable historical events.

Development of ICT competence in high school students when teaching physics using digital laboratories
Problem and goal. Currently, to school education in Russia is given a lot of attention, both from state structures and from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. Federal State Educational Standards of secondary general education of the Russian Federation define high requirements for the level of training of schoolchildren. In modern conditions of the information society, the school education system is designed to prepare students who form a fundamental system of subject knowledge in school disciplines, develop active, creative, critical, analytical thinking, and ICT competence. Today, those students successfully study at higher educational institutions in the educational process which are widely used information and communication technologies, self-learning and shaping system of fundamental knowledge in university disciplines which are based on modern achievements of world science. Methodology. The development of ICT competence in high school students in teaching physics will depend on success rate of: improving the goals, objectives and content of teaching physics using digital laboratories together with educational Internet resources; implementing didactic principles of teaching physics using digital laboratories together with educational Internet resources, as well as forms, methods and tools for teaching physics using digital laboratories together with educational Internet resources. Results. At laboratory workshops in physics in the conditions of using digital laboratories together with educational Internet resources, high school students acquire the skills to apply modern computer technologies. High school students gain experience in analyzing the results of experiments on various physical processes and phenomena using digital laboratories together with educational Internet resources. High school students acquire in-depth knowledge not only of subject knowledge in physics, but also of the potential of digital laboratories and information technologies. Such knowledge, skills and abilities allow high school students to develop ICT competence. Conclusion. Developed in the process of teaching physics in the conditions of joint use of digital laboratories and educational Internet resources, ICT competence will allow high school students to be a successful student after graduation, entering a higher educational institution.

The concept of transformation and inverted electronic textbooks
Problem and goal. Despite a significant amount of work on the creation of electronic textbooks, interest in them does not wane. Currently, when developing them, it becomes necessary to take into account the features of the Z generation. The purpose of the study is a didactic analysis and description of the concept of transformer books and an inverted textbook. Methodology. The idea of creating such intellectual teaching aids is associated with the use of mental schemes of the subject area, hidden psychoanalysis of the perception type of the learner and the question-task form of training. The textbooks being designed provide for a change in the learning strategy (from the paradigm “accumulating knowledge to solve problems” to the paradigm “solving problems by mastering the necessary knowledge”). In this case, the educational model of the white box is used, which allows visualizing the dynamics of the acquisition by student the knowledge of the subject area. Results. A procedure for developing inverted textbooks and transformer books is proposed. Prototypes of such electronic tools when used in a real educational process have shown their high effectiveness in self-educational activities of students. Conclusion. The use of transformational and inverted electronic textbooks allows not only to automate the learning process without real contact with the teacher, but also contributes to a significant increase in the motivation of modern students to self-study. The materials of the article are of practical value for developers of e-learning tools, as well as teachers who prefer to use innovative teaching methods.