Vol 17, No 1 (2020)
- Year: 2020
- Articles: 6
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/informatization-education/issue/view/1327
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2312-8631-2020-17-1
Full Issue
Using AR-technology for mastering hieroglyphics as an approach to informatization of learning Chinese language in school
Problem and goal. Methods are proposed for solving the problem of searching for information technologies, which, due to new approaches to information visualization, can increase the efficiency of students mastering hieroglyphics - one of the main and most difficult to study components of Chinese language learning systems. As a way to solve this problem, the application of augmented reality technology can be proposed, provided that the means and forms of its effective use are found in the framework of teaching the Chinese language in school. The aim of the study described in the article was the development and experimental confirmation of the effectiveness of approaches to teaching students in school hieroglyphic writing and the semantic interpretation of hieroglyphs based on the use of augmented reality tools. Methodology. A practical study was carried out on the basis of the formation of the experimental (63 people) and control (71 people) groups of students in grades 5 and 6. Schoolchildren of the experimental group were trained using augmented reality tools, hieroglyph markers, a specially selected collection of 3D models and developed tasks for comparing hieroglyphs and their semantic meanings, searching for hieroglyphics by their meanings, developing 3D models for visualizing the meanings of hieroglyphs. The analysis of the level of lexical skills of schoolchildren in terms of comparing hieroglyphs and their semantic values was carried out using integral indicators using methods of mathematical statistics. Results. It is shown that the proposed approach to using augmented reality technologies in the framework of teaching the Chinese language at school is effective. It is justified to create and develop collections of electronic versions of hieroglyphs and virtual objects that reflect the meaning of the main hieroglyphs studied at school. An effective method is when the students themselves are involved in such developments. Such approaches can play a significant role in informatization of educational systems for schoolchildren, as well as in establishing additional interdisciplinary ties. Conclusion. The effectiveness of the proposed approaches to the development of systems for preparing schoolchildren to study hieroglyphics in the framework of teaching the Chinese language based on the use of augmented reality technology has been experimentally confirmed. During the study, schoolchildren of the 5th and 6th grades showed an increased level of lexical skills in terms of comparing hieroglyphs and their semantic meanings, searching and writing hieroglyphs for a given semantic value.

Experimental pedagogical activity when teaching computer science to younger students
Problem and goal. One of the important components of the educational and methodical work of a teacher who teaches computer science to younger students is the quality control of the acquired system of knowledge of schoolchildren, which involves experimental pedagogical activity. Such experimental pedagogical activities include pedagogical experiments, the results of which are processed and analyzed using mathematical methods. Pedagogical measurements allow to justify the effectiveness of the implemented teaching methodology. Methodology. Pedagogical measurements are carried out in pedagogical research aimed at improving the content, methods, forms and means of teaching computer science to younger students using didactic games. The pedagogical experiment itself includes ascertaining, searching, forming and controlling stages. The analysis of the results of pedagogical measurements aimed at identifying the quality of the obtained knowledge in computer science of younger students can be effectively carried out using mathematical and statistical methods. Results. The conducted pedagogical measurements allow to draw a conclusion about how much younger students have subject knowledge in computer science, which is taught using didactic games; to identify the level of their worldview, logical thinking. Conclusion. Experimental pedagogical activity of the teacher in the process of teaching computer science to younger students allows to identify the effectiveness of such training, the level of subject knowledge of students. Analysis of the results of pedagogical measurements allows, if necessary, to correct the methodology and content of training in computer science.

Possibilities of telecommunicational training and information system and MOOC in comprehensive solution of tasks of teaching foreign students in Russian universities
Problem and goal. The article actualizes the problem of integrating the capabilities of a massive open online course (MOOC) and a telecommunicational training and information system (TUIS) of the university, taking into account the identification of opportunities for this integration for a comprehensive solution of the problems of teaching foreign students at the university. Methodology. One of the most effective solutions in the framework of the considered prospects for the development of a modern university is the integration of MOOC and TUIS systems. Results. The possibilities of innovative forms of distance education for the organization of the educational process in the university are revealed. The perspective possibilities of integration of the MOOC and the telecommunication educational and information system within the functioning of the modern digital educational environment of the university are identified and disclosed. Conclusion. The integration of MOOC and TUIS systems allows to neutralize the nuances associated with the orientation of MOOC to a large number of users. Despite the fact that the number of university students is high, taking into account the characteristics of a particular university is provided by the interaction of MOOC and TUIS systems, which makes the educational process progressive, innovative and focused on modern development trends.

Designing a system of electronic training materials for remote post-training support for corporate training
Problem and goal. The article describes how to organize electronic training materials for post-training support. The relevance of the article is determined, on the one hand, by the external needs to expand the sphere of education, the tasks of further development of informatization of education, and on the other hand, by the internal needs of the development of the information culture of students [1; 13; 6-8]. The problem is determined by the presence of a contradiction between the existing high didactic potential of distance post-training support, the importance of such training for effective training of students and the absence of such training, implemented using a structural approach to the design and use of electronic training materials. The purpose of the article is to describe approaches to the development and testing of a system of electronic training materials implemented on the basis of the structural approach for organizing post-training support using distance learning technologies. Methodology. The methodological basis was the ideas for the implementation of distance learning presented in the works of A.A. Andreeva, E.S. Polat, V.I. Soldatkina et al.; the main provisions of the theory of technologization of the learning process, which were studied by V.P. Bespalko, P.I. Pidkasisty, G.K. Selevko, A.M. Sohor et al.; issues of structuring training materials that were considered by I.V. Akimova, A.I. Arkhipova, Yu.I. Askerko, I.V. Burov, S.A. Butakov, L.P. Voronina, D.V. Danilov, A.M. Sokhor, O.E. Filippov, L.S. Chernyshov and others. Scientific articles devoted to issues of corporate training and personnel development are presented by such authors as: A. Bychkov, O. Dugina, Zh. Zavyalova, I. Kolodkina, A. Korolkov, A. Matveev, A. Miroshnichenko, O. Naydenov, M.V. Klarin, A. Novikova, N. Titova, N. Khryashchev, O. Emikh, A. Satvalov. Results. The feasibility of using distance learning technologies in the implementation of post-training support for students, as well as the application of a structural approach to the design and use of a training materials system for distance post-training support for students is substantiated. The principles and conditions of using the structural approach as the basis for the design and use of specially selected training materials, systematized in the form of a set of competencies and presented using distance learning forms, have been identified. Information and telecommunication technologies and Internet resources have been selected to organize remote post-training support, taking into account the individual learning path. Conclusion. The results led to the conclusion that the effectiveness of the proposed approaches to the selection, design and use of a system of training materials allows us to take into account the following aspects: accounting for training parameters, level of development, level of competency, level of motivation. The proposed model of distance post-training support for students on the example of the discipline “Information Technologies in the Management of the Educational Process”, based on the use of a structural approach, containing a specially designed system of electronic training materials, has made it possible to increase the effectiveness of training for undergraduates and to build an individual training route.

Automated system for diagnosing the ability to solve computational problems based on structural and mental schemes
Problem and goal. The paper deals with an actual problem - learning to solve computational problems. The components of this problem are highlighted and it is shown that to solve it, it is necessary to automate the learning process, especially in terms of organizing independent work. The purpose of this work is to describe the scientific and technological basis for building an automated diagnostic system for solving computational problems (using the example of physical problems), as well as to present the results of using the developed system in the real pedagogical process. Methodology. The described system is based on a mental approach to learning. The paper introduces the concept of a computational primitive and, based on it, the concept of a structuralmental scheme (SMS) - a graph-like model of the ability to solve problems. An Elo-like rating system was used to provide adaptive, continuous monitoring. In order to increase the strength of mastering the ability to solve problems, we implemented the account of forgetting using a piecewise linear model of forgetting. To assess the formation of the ability to solve problems, a value is introduced - the level of assimilation, which is determined by the structural and mental scheme of the student and reflects its completeness and strength. Results. The results of the application of the described automated diagnostic system for the ability to solve computational problems in the real pedagogical process are presented. The described system proved to be effective, i.e. it positively affects the level of formation of the ability to solve problems. The correlation between the number of tasks solved by the student and the level of assimilation is calculated. The efficiency of the presented system in terms of forming the ability to solve computational problems on the example of physical problems is proved. Conclusion. Automation using a computer system allows to track and store information about the status of each individual SMS connection in memory. This cannot be done using any other non-automated tools and technologies due to the large amount of data and the complexity of calculations.

Use of digital technologies in innovative educational environment (on the example of the mobile application Lecture Racing)
Problem and goal. Currently, there is active transformation of educational technologies, which explains the emergence of new educational needs, a change in the principles and mechanisms of access to knowledge and the need to summarize existing and implement new approaches to the formalization and systematization of data collection and storage, taking into account characteristics specific education and information technology [2- 4; 10; 12; 15]. The article reveals the concept of digital technologies in the educational environment, presents theoretical and practical materials containing knowledge about digital technologies. Methodology. The pilot study was conducted using the mobile app “Lecture Racing”, which allows to check the level of knowledge of students, among other things. This is a unique tool for conducting tests and surveys at lectures or classes, both pre-prepared and without preprepared tests, in real time [14]. Results. The stages of development of digital technologies are considered, and the stages of the experiment on the use of digital technologies in the educational process are described. Description of the results of the methods used to identify the level of motivation and performance. Conclusion. The use of digital technologies, on the example of the mobile application “Lecture Racing”, has a positive impact on the motivation of students, academic performance, and contributes to the self-development of the teacher in an innovative educational environment.