Designing a system of electronic training materials for remote post-training support for corporate training
- Authors: Zaslavskaya O.Y.1, Levchenko M.S.2
- Moscow City University
- International group of pharmaceutical companies “STADA”
- Issue: Vol 17, No 1 (2020)
- Pages: 36-48
- URL:
- DOI:
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Problem and goal. The article describes how to organize electronic training materials for post-training support. The relevance of the article is determined, on the one hand, by the external needs to expand the sphere of education, the tasks of further development of informatization of education, and on the other hand, by the internal needs of the development of the information culture of students [1; 13; 6-8]. The problem is determined by the presence of a contradiction between the existing high didactic potential of distance post-training support, the importance of such training for effective training of students and the absence of such training, implemented using a structural approach to the design and use of electronic training materials. The purpose of the article is to describe approaches to the development and testing of a system of electronic training materials implemented on the basis of the structural approach for organizing post-training support using distance learning technologies. Methodology. The methodological basis was the ideas for the implementation of distance learning presented in the works of A.A. Andreeva, E.S. Polat, V.I. Soldatkina et al.; the main provisions of the theory of technologization of the learning process, which were studied by V.P. Bespalko, P.I. Pidkasisty, G.K. Selevko, A.M. Sohor et al.; issues of structuring training materials that were considered by I.V. Akimova, A.I. Arkhipova, Yu.I. Askerko, I.V. Burov, S.A. Butakov, L.P. Voronina, D.V. Danilov, A.M. Sokhor, O.E. Filippov, L.S. Chernyshov and others. Scientific articles devoted to issues of corporate training and personnel development are presented by such authors as: A. Bychkov, O. Dugina, Zh. Zavyalova, I. Kolodkina, A. Korolkov, A. Matveev, A. Miroshnichenko, O. Naydenov, M.V. Klarin, A. Novikova, N. Titova, N. Khryashchev, O. Emikh, A. Satvalov. Results. The feasibility of using distance learning technologies in the implementation of post-training support for students, as well as the application of a structural approach to the design and use of a training materials system for distance post-training support for students is substantiated. The principles and conditions of using the structural approach as the basis for the design and use of specially selected training materials, systematized in the form of a set of competencies and presented using distance learning forms, have been identified. Information and telecommunication technologies and Internet resources have been selected to organize remote post-training support, taking into account the individual learning path. Conclusion. The results led to the conclusion that the effectiveness of the proposed approaches to the selection, design and use of a system of training materials allows us to take into account the following aspects: accounting for training parameters, level of development, level of competency, level of motivation. The proposed model of distance post-training support for students on the example of the discipline “Information Technologies in the Management of the Educational Process”, based on the use of a structural approach, containing a specially designed system of electronic training materials, has made it possible to increase the effectiveness of training for undergraduates and to build an individual training route.
About the authors
Olga Yu. Zaslavskaya
Moscow City University
Author for correspondence.
doctor of pedagogical sciences, full professor, professor of the department of informatization of education of the Institute of Digital Education
29 Sheremetyevskaya St, Moscow, 127521, Russian FederationMaya S. Levchenko
International group of pharmaceutical companies “STADA”
manager of the international group of pharmaceutical companies “STADA”.
44 Bolshaya Ordynka St, bldg. 4, Moscow, 119017, Russian FederationReferences
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