Design of automation system for building personal education trajectories of students
- Authors: Zaslavsky A.A.1
- Moscow City University
- Issue: Vol 16, No 2 (2019)
- Pages: 149-161
- URL:
- DOI:
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Problem and goal. Programs “Digital economy of the Russian Federation” and “Digitalization of education” prescribe the development of tools for the formation of an individual approach to each student. Currently, the tools of the organization of individual approach in the form of building an individual learning path are not perfect. Consider the modern aspects of the construction of personal trajectories of development of students, the selection of personal forms of control and reflection, personal goals and content of training. As the main tool for the organization of this approach, we propose to use a specially created system of automation of building personal trajectories of development of students. Methodology. To achieve the objectives the article describes the algorithm design of the system automating the selection of individual learning paths in basic stages. Methodical bases of differentiation and individualization of training, lists of documents obligatory for system start, and also basic principles of design of system are presented. Special attention is paid to the means of ensuring external and internal information security. Results. When following the stages of design, presented in the article, the system of automation of personal trajectories will have a basic set of necessary functions that will respond to the challenges formulated in the “Digitalization of education”. This system will simplify the work of teachers in terms of reducing the cost of building an individual trajectory. Conclusion. The application of the designed system will allow teachers to quickly and efficiently build individual educational trajectories for all their students, based on their individual capabilities and personal characteristics; for students and parents to access the constructed trajectory at a convenient time, perform tasks and monitor the learning process; for administration to see the learning process of each individual student and build analytical reports on the learning process.
About the authors
Alexey A. Zaslavsky
Moscow City University
Author for correspondence.
candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor, associate professor of the directorate of educational programs of the Moscow City University
29 Sheremetyevskaya St., Moscow, 127521, Russian FederationReferences
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