Vol 16, No 2 (2019)
- Year: 2019
- Articles: 8
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/informatization-education/issue/view/1208
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2312-8631-2019-16-2
Full Issue
Opportunities and advantages of the interconnected use of informatization means in the training of foreign students in the Russian language in the medical university
Problem and goal. The article devoted to the problem that there are no approaches to the system of interconnected use of means of informatization in the process of teaching Russian for foreign students in medical university within preparation for clinical practice and practice itself in medical institutions. The objective of this research is experimental confirmation of efficiency of the developed model of approaches to informatization of a system of teaching Russian for foreign students in medical university. Methodology. The research on the basis of formation control (118 persons) and experimental (136 persons) groups is conducted where teaching of foreign students in the experimental group was carried out according to requirements of the developed model of approaches to informatization of teaching Russian for foreign students. The analysis of communicative competence’s levels of foreign students in Russian language was carried out by five criterions. Results. During the research it is established that training of foreign students according to the developed model of approaches to informatization of a system of teaching Russian at all stages of training of foreign students in medical university undoubtedly increases level of students’ proficiency in medical Russian and level of their preparation to clinical practice in medical institutions of Russia (interrogation of patients, communication with medical colleges, work with documentation and literature in Russian). Conclusion. The efficiency of the developed model of approaches to informatization of a system of teaching Russian for foreign students is experimentally proved. As a result, students showed high level of proficiency in medical Russian and also successful passings of clinical practice in Russian hospitals.
Prospects for promoting the online model of Russian education exports in Africa
Problem and goal. The task of increasing the number of foreign students twice by 2024, set before the Russian universities by the country’s leadership in the framework of the national project “Education”, will require a revision of the traditional approach to the recruitment of foreign students. It is obvious that in conditions of limited organizational, human and financial resources of the country’s universities will require fundamentally new forms and technologies of recruiting, and in the future and new forms of training of students. The article deals with the actual problem of implementation and realization of the online model of export of Russian education in the conditions of expansion of export activity of Russian universities for the recruitment of foreign students in Africa. The purpose of the described study was to determine the basic conditions for the implementation of the online model of export of Russian education in Africa, identifying the target countries of Africa, promising for recruiting students. Methodology. The definition of the features and conditions of the online model of education export was carried out on the basis of the analysis of the best practices of foreign universities (TOP-500) and Russian universities (participants of Project 5-100). The main conditions for the implementation of this online model of education exports, the availability of appropriate infrastructure, the potential effectiveness of the export model in Africa (target countries) are analyzed. Results. The study revealed that the use of the online model of export of education by Russian universities in Africa, based on the use of telecommunication technologies, can affect the increase in the number of Foreign students and have a positive impact on the effectiveness of recruiting activities of the Russian University in modern conditions through the introduction of online recruiting methods of recruitment of foreign students, attracting a new audience of foreign students, the implementation of online training in Africa, which, ultimately, greetings to the increase in university income from educational activities received from foreign sources. Conclusion. It is shown that the use of the online model of education exports can have a significant impact on the competitiveness of Russian universities in Africa and the increase in the number of foreign students enrolled in online programs of Russian universities in their target countries.
The formation of course content of computer science in the context of ensuring personal information security
Problem and goal. The article considers the possible ways of development of the general course of informatics: with technological or socio-cultural dominant. The aim of the study is to identify the main factors (significant circumstances) that make it possible to develop the content of the training of this course in a socio-cultural way. This, in turn, allows us to adequately formulate information threats to the human person, characteristic of the digital society and develop a strategy to protect against these threats. Methodology. The study is based on the analysis of the main challenges of the digital society and the internal logic of the development of general education course of informatics: from computer literacy to the subject of the general education cycle, and from it - to metasubject. Results. The study highlights the main factors that allow to develop the content of the general education course of informatics in the socio-cultural key, which allows to formulate the main strategic directions of protection of the human person from the information threats of the digital society. These factors can be described as consistency, socialization, technologization. These factors will lead to the actual development of the general course of informatics, if within the informatics will be prerequisites for their implementation. The development of the subject area of informatics creates such prerequisites, since the most important concept of the modern course of informatics is the concept of information, symbolic model with a significant social context. At the same time, symbolic modeling is one of the main types of universal educational activities. Conclusion. It is shown that in order to ensure the information security of the individual, it is necessary, first of all, to develop a system of representations and information-cognitive tools that allow the student to adequately interact with the surrounding world. The development of this tool can take over computer science.
Interactive game as a means of developing extracurricular activities in informatics
Problem and goal. The article describes the processes of development of methods of teaching computer science in the organization of extracurricular activities, which contributes to the effectiveness of teaching computer science through the use of games and game forms of organization of extracurricular activities. The aim was to identify the features of the development of an interactive computer game, which is characterized in that it combines all the topics of the course of computer science grades 5-8 and allows to use the tools of an interactive whiteboard, combining them into a single system (grouping objects, working with layers, etc.), and also provides the ability to play using mobile devices, both in the classroom and remotely. This allowed us to take into account the peculiarities of the method of using interactive games in the process of teaching informatics in the conditions of extracurricular activities of students in grades 5-8 and to assess the effectiveness of training, increase motivation and consolidation of students’ knowledge in informatics and increase interest in the subject “Informatics”. Methodology. The development of a specially designed interactive game in the process of teaching informatics in the conditions of extracurricular activities of students in grades 5-8 is carried out by analyzing the possibility of didactic features of extracurricular activities in informatics of schoolchildren in grades 5-8, studying the psychological and pedagogical aspects of teaching students in the conditions of extracurricular activities in informatics using interactive games, observation, organization and conduct of pedagogical experiment and analysis of its results. Results. The possibilities and role of interactive game in the process of teaching informatics in the conditions of extracurricular activities of schoolchildren are revealed. This theoretical justification for the use of interactive games as a tool for development of extracurricular activities in informatics for school students grades 5-8. On the basis of the obtained data, an interactive computer game was developed, introduced and tested as a means of developing extracurricular activities in computer science, the contents of interactive game tasks were selected and systematized, the effectiveness of the method of using interactive games in extracurricular activities in computer science was tested. Conclusion. The results allowed us to conclude that the effectiveness of the game is entirely determined by the extent to which it is implemented educational goals due to the state standard of secondary education in computer science and information and communication technologies. Creation and application of interactive games in extracurricular activities on informatics of pupils of 5-8 classes should take into account general didactic principles (scientific character, availability, systematicity, visibility, continuity, etc.), as well as specific didactic principles due to the use of the advantages of interactive whiteboard - adaptability and interactivity of learning, the implementation of computer visualization capabilities, the development of intellectual potential of students.
Design of automation system for building personal education trajectories of students
Problem and goal. Programs “Digital economy of the Russian Federation” and “Digitalization of education” prescribe the development of tools for the formation of an individual approach to each student. Currently, the tools of the organization of individual approach in the form of building an individual learning path are not perfect. Consider the modern aspects of the construction of personal trajectories of development of students, the selection of personal forms of control and reflection, personal goals and content of training. As the main tool for the organization of this approach, we propose to use a specially created system of automation of building personal trajectories of development of students. Methodology. To achieve the objectives the article describes the algorithm design of the system automating the selection of individual learning paths in basic stages. Methodical bases of differentiation and individualization of training, lists of documents obligatory for system start, and also basic principles of design of system are presented. Special attention is paid to the means of ensuring external and internal information security. Results. When following the stages of design, presented in the article, the system of automation of personal trajectories will have a basic set of necessary functions that will respond to the challenges formulated in the “Digitalization of education”. This system will simplify the work of teachers in terms of reducing the cost of building an individual trajectory. Conclusion. The application of the designed system will allow teachers to quickly and efficiently build individual educational trajectories for all their students, based on their individual capabilities and personal characteristics; for students and parents to access the constructed trajectory at a convenient time, perform tasks and monitor the learning process; for administration to see the learning process of each individual student and build analytical reports on the learning process.
Interdisciplinary scientific communication in the content of teaching applied mathematics
Problem and goal. Today, graduates studying in the physical and mathematical areas of training in the profile of applied mathematics have high requirements [23; 24]. Such graduates should have not only fundamental knowledge in the disciplines of applied mathematics, have a scientific outlook, skills and research of applied tasks with the help of mathematical modeling, but also strive to implement applied research through environmental technologies. The achievement of such goals in teaching students applied mathematics requires the use of various pedagogical and information technologies in the educational process, the development of learning content, new forms and methods of training, the involvement of specialists in applied mathematics in teaching. Methodology. In the process of training specialists in applied mathematics, implemented the idea of developing their mathematical creativity, strengthening the motivation for the formation of deep theoretical and practical knowledge in the disciplines of applied mathematics and the foundations of humanitarian culture. The implementation of these important ideas is carried out on the basis of extensive use of interdisciplinary scientific relations in the conditions of humanitarization of university mathematical education. The formation of students’ fundamental knowledge of applied mathematics, the foundations of humanitarian culture is achieved by developing the content of such training on the basis of modern scientific achievements of applied mathematics, the implementation of scientific and educational, scientific and educational and humanitarian potential of teaching applied mathematics. Results. The obtained fundamental knowledge in applied mathematics, formed scientific worldview and humanitarian culture will allow graduates in their future professional activities to show a humane attitude to nature and the world, to apply environmental technologies in the implementation of applied research. In addition, with such a wealth of knowledge, graduates are able to be worthy members of the modern information society with a humanitarian culture. Conclusion. In the process of teaching applied mathematics, using innovative pedagogical technologies, it is advisable for students not only to give fundamental scientific knowledge, but also to instill the foundations of humanitarian culture.
A Moodle-based vocational English course for master’s degree students in nonlinguistic settings: designing and implementing
Problem and goal. The article is devoted to the problem of pedagogical design of e-learning course as an element of innovative system of foreign language professionally oriented training of masters of non-linguistic specialties, analysis of potential opportunities and risks of its implementation. The relevance of the research is connected with the need to accumulate professional experience in the development and piloting of electronic educational resources in the conditions of digitalization of the Russian educational space and the creation of a single, public portal-aggregator of online courses. Methodology. The initial prerequisites of the work were theoretical and applied research in the field of professional and electronic linguodidactics in Russia and abroad. The concept of the considered electronic resource was formed in line with the communicative and competence approaches, the requirements of the modern educational paradigm, philosophy and structural parameters of the virtual learning environment Moodle. Innovative parameters of the content and structure of the course are determined by its design on the principle of reverse design and technology of implementation within the educational paradigm of mixed subject-language integrated learning. Results. The practical significance of the work lies in the fact that the didactic model presented in the study can be considered as a network component of the linguistic professional learning environment, which is formed in line with the trend towards the early professionalization of a foreign language course in a non-linguistic university. Conclusion. This paper presents the concept of innovative educational resource and its implementation using information and communication technologies - e-learning course “English for students of financial and economic specialties enrolled in master’s programs”. It covers topics that involve the development of knowledge gained in the study of related subject areas (financial management, accounting, banking, finance and credit, stock markets, risk management, etc.) and the experience of professional masters.
Possibilities for solving the problems of social adaptation of orphants with the help of information resources
The problem and the goal. Informatization and computerization of society has affected almost all types of human life, including the scope of receiving and providing services. The rarity of online shopping at the beginning of the 21st century has become something commonplace that many people face almost every day, and some of them don’t remember the last time they stood in line at the cash register. Drastic changes have affected other types of services, such as banking services, services for registration, the provision of documentation and so on. Every day, a huge number of services becomes available remotely, and users who are faced with this every day easier to adapt to new conditions. Russia is one of the countries in the list of 10 countries actively using the electronic method of providing services. One of the most used types of electronic resources are services providing services related to the payment of taxes and fines, enrollment of children in kindergarten, obtaining banking services, etc. [17]. For some people living in social isolation, it may be difficult to use the designated information resources. For example, for students in closed educational institutions, such as orphanages, boarding schools and other similar organizations. In such institutions, students for the most part of their time are isolated from society and cannot be active participants in all processes taking place in society [14]. The use of an information service that can act as an aggregator of electronic services and accompanying information to them can contribute to the information adaptation of orphans. Methodology. Consideration of the problem of information adaptation and the reasons for its occurrence in orphaned children allowed to build the necessary conditions for its solution, such as: attracting specialists with experience in helping social adaptation of orphans, development of an information service corresponding to the declared functionality, approbation of the information service to help in the information adaptation of orphans. Results. During the consideration of the problem, the topics of the information service sections were determined and their content with information content was planned. As a result, a work plan was developed, and the most pressing issues were identified. Conclusion. The developed strategy for solving the problem of information adaptation of orphans can help with further development and testing of the designated service, as well as its implementation in the work of specialists in social adaptation of orphans.