
The problems of geosrategic choice of Russia in 21 century. Role and place of the EU
Portanskiy A.P.
High technologies and artificial intelligence as driving factors in the evolution of the world financial and economic architecture
Smirnov F.A.
Stability of the global financial system as a factor in the post-crisis recovery of the world economy
Smirnov E.N.
New role and functions of hyper competitive global innovation companies in the modern economy
Dyatlov S.A., Selishcheva T.A.
Russia in the global hydrocarbon economy
Lavrov S.N., Dyakin B.G.
Role of tourism in developing countries economy on the example of Cape Verde
Mizintseva M.F., Sardaryan A.R., Gomesh V.
Gas industry - a factor of international competitiveness
Lavrov S.N., Simonov A.G.
Features of customs revenue administration in the Eurasian Economic Union
Nemirova G.I.
Economic shocks and cyclical development of national financial systems
Pilipenko O.I.
Organizational features of a transfer of technologies: foreign experience
Solovieva Y.V.
Russian companies in the international oil and gas business: innovative vector of development
Lavrov S.N., Dyakin B.G.
Navrotskaya N.A., Sopilko N.U., Kovalchuk M.V.
1 - 12 of 12 Items

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