Vol 26, No 3 (2018)
- Year: 2018
- Articles: 18
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/economics/issue/view/1150
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2313-2329-2018-26-3
Full Issue
Sovereignty of Russia: national interests, demographic threats and challenges
The article examines the main geopolitical factors that determine the place of the state in the community of nations: the size of its territory, the density of the population, the rationality of its productive force’s location. Attention is paid to the identification of those reserves, the use of which will make it possible to carry out the breakthrough tasks defined by the May Decree of Russian President Vladimir Putin “On National Purposes and Strategic Development Challenges of the Russian Federation until 2024” (No. 204, May 2018). To solve research problems the author uses methods of legal cooperativities, sociological comprehension of the qualitative and quantitative state of population, and analyzes the legal basis on which the mechanism of lawmaking activity and law enforcement practice are developed.

From misconceptions of the “financial diet” to the misconceptions of the “decoding” of Belarus
The consequences of the policy of the “financial diet” in the development of socialeconomic processes in Belarus are assessed. The recognition of the erroneous provisions of the public finance reform in Belarus is analyzed. The conformity of the ideas of the behavioral economy of Belarus and the essence of the theory of the new behavioral economics of R. Thaler is shown. A characteristic of the relationship between rationality and irrationality in a behavioral economy is given. The essence of the policy of “decoding” the Belarusian mentality is considered.

Socio-psychological climate as a factor of competitiveness

From social assistance to social activism: a new look at solving the problems of the poorest segments of the population
One of the global problems of mankind for many years is the problem of poverty. Despite the efforts of the world community to combat poverty and underdevelopment on our planet, progress has not been encouraging: the rich continue to become richer and the poor become even poorer. Segmentation of the population of our planet by income drop, conducted by experts from various organizations (UN, IFC, World Bank and others), leads to the conclusion that the poorest segments of the population (“bottom of the economic pyramid”) form more than half of the consumer market in developing countries. With the growth rates in these countries, and this trend exists, the purchasing power of these people should also increase. The low economic activity of people with low incomes is explained by different reasons, but the segment itself is not fully studied either in a single country or in the world as a whole. The reorientation of the activities of large TNCs and business enterprises on implementation of projects in the segment of “the bottom of the economic pyramid” will allow you to get out of poverty for millions of people around the world. Social and ethical marketing and business, taking into account this concept, will significantly reduce the number of people with low income, bringing to a new level of consumption.

National industry: theoretical aspects of development in global value chains
The modern world is organized around the global value chains (GVC). The GVC-oriented approach is an important tool for the national economy development strategies. It is well studied for the country level but not enough for the firm’s level. The article is devoted to the problem of the national economy integration into the GVC in the context of the national industrial complex. The aim of this paper is to generate the concept of the GVC-oriented approach as a theoretical basis for the successful development of the national industry. In the article some contradictions in the basic principles of the VC-theory were removed, theoretical provisions of the interaction between the GVC links and local national economic units are developed on the basis of the VC-theory, geoeconomic paradigm; the concepts of localization and co-development of the GVC and the localization of its links are complemented. Methodical aspects of the national industry diagnostics in terms of GVC are proposed. Testing was performed on the example of the national pharmaceutical complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Conceptual framework of social policy development: initial period
This article examines conceptual fundamentals of social policy, which have evolved as an independent field of research in a framework of economic, sociological thought and philosophical concepts development since nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Highlighting the importance of social policy economists of nineteenth and twentieth centuries developed the model of social market economy and welfare state. Within these models, social policy is considered to be one of the important part of government policy aimed at national development and providing social welfare.

The role of direct investment in the development of Russia’s innovative economy (1991-2017)
The article examines the impact of direct investments, including FDI, on the development of Russia’s innovative economy. The unfavorable situation in the Russian national innovation system is shown: the basic indicators of innovation in 2017 remain at the level of 2000. The negative influence of FDI on the Russian industry, which is due to the passive position of the state in managing the investment flow, has been revealed. The article proposes an approach to the building of a management system of the institutes of the national innovation systems (NIS) based on the principle of ensuring mutually beneficial conditions for all participants of the innovation process. On the example of experience of activity of venture funds and technoparks, the need for state control of the effectiveness of innovative institutions, based on their contribution to the growth of the number of innovative active enterprises in the real sectors of the Russian economy as the main criterion for investment management is justified.

Russia in the global hydrocarbon economy
“Russia is a world gas column or a world kerosene”. These slogans are widely used in anti-Russian rhetoric, especially by those opponents who, giving them a pejorative character, try to show the innovative backwardness of our “resource” economy in comparison with the technologically advanced economies of the developed countries of the West. According to this group of experts, the use of a powerful Russian raw material base in the development of the country’s export potential puts Russia almost on a par with the backward developing countries of Africa. Is that really the case and whether we should “sprinkle our head with ashes” being in the top three of the world leaders in the development, production and export of hydrocarbon resources? The article offered to readers is devoted to detailed consideration of these issues.

Investments are the basis of economic integration of Abkhazia and Russia
The article identifies factors influencing investment process, forms of attracting investment resources, identifies the preconditions necessary for the formation of a favorable investment climate and the role of public authorities in management and regulation of investment activity. The necessity of attracting Russian investments in the real sector of the economy of Abkhazia, which promote the modernization and development of the economy on the innovation basis, is substantiated. Investment interaction is developing process, during which its participants come together to form relatively stable economic relations of production and structural nature. Moreover, the relations prevailing in the investment area between Abkhazia and Russia, allied countries and strategic partners, the investment interaction form a close integration of communication.

The impact of fiscal and monetary policy on economic growth and cyclical development of the economy

The growth factors of Barnaul’s population in the 21st century: dependence on the social and economic development of Altay Krai and possibilities of intensification of its border interaction
In the article the analyzing of raised up the population in Barnaul city is shown. Despite the fact of social and economic favorable conditions there are the common facts of growth the population in the city. Also you can see the characteristics of economics and geographic location and the comparison of quality of life in Russia. The authors created two schemes to simplify the location, to give some directions and to show the progress in branches of production. Using this store you can see the best supply to make your business competitive in this region. Also the migrants take social economics in consideration of choosing the place to live in.

Influence of the state support on the level of social and economic welfare (case study of the North Caucasian Federal District)
In article regional social and economic distinctions of regions of the North Caucasian Federal District after enforcement of the state program of the Russian Federation “Development of the North Caucasian Federal District until 2025” are analyzed; influence of the events held within the state program on differentiation of regions for the main socio-economic indexes of development. The analysis has shown that the state program existing in the region is effective, exerts impact on the directions needing financing thereby improving the level of economic and social situation and welfare of the region.

Assessment of the economic space of Russia on the basis of the highlight areas of growth and decline in urban population
Development of the Russian economic space is a long-term process, combining geographical, historical, socio-economic and demographic aspects. The relevance of this research topic is due to the need for scientific analysis of the processes of urbanization, the identification of the country’s territories with increasing and decreasing urban population, the formation of urban growth centers as the potential of sustainable territorial organization of the regions and the country as a whole. The article studies the modern structure of urban settlement in Russia and spatial differentiation of the city system. The analysis of population dynamics in all cities of Russia from the collapse of the Soviet Union to the present time. The study found that the network of cities is undergoing structural changes. In total, the country has two large areas with a declining urban population and six smaller areas in which the urban population has increased, highlighting the territory of economic growth and decline.

Demographic trends of the single-industry towns of Belarus in the 21st century
The comparative spatio-temporal analysis of the demographic development of the singleindustry towns of the Republic of Belarus in 2000-2016 is presented in the article. Based on the trend approach, the method of dynamic series, balance and cartographic methods, similarities and differences in the dynamics of the natural movement of the urban population of Belarus and the population of the single-industry towns are revealed. The peculiarities of the urban structure of the single-industry towns, trends in the population dynamics are revealed, their place in the structure of the urban settlement of Belarus is determined.

Contemporary challenges for small border cities
Due to the growth of migration flows, border areas and cities are among the first to experience the effects of globalization and integration. Cross-border migration and tourism mobility are considered modern challenges affecting small border cities. At the same time, host community often takes opposite positions in relation to these challenges: stimulating tourism and restricting migration. The increased dynamics of cross-border migration brings changes, sometimes significant, to the development of the social and cultural environment of small border cities. Thus, the experience of Tornio city that struggled with the increased number of visitors from Africa and Asia demonstrates a growing society fragmentation and the emergence of cultural identity crisis. The Finnish cities bordering Russia make profit from cross-border mobility, stimulating the development of shopping tourism. The problem of cross-border migration is illustrated by small border cities in Finland. The empirical data is based on the sociological survey conducted in August - September 2016 in Tornio as well as the results of the authors’ own observations.

Geographical assessment of urban utilities in Pune Municipal Corporation region with changing urban population

Economic migration from Buryatia: factors, tendencies and consequences
This article presents statistical data about migration from the Republic of Buryatia. It explores factors that induce people to leave the region, and analyses main tendencies and social-political consequences of migration processes in relation to the measures of Republic migration policy. The paper considers the main push-factors of migration from Buryatia such as employment issues, low wage, and low standard of living; moreover, an absence of prestigious higher educational institutions also provokes the outflow of ambitious and intellectual youth from the Republic. The primary centers of attraction are Moscow and St. Petersburg, although, significant part of Buryatia’ population also migrates inside the Siberian region. The government of Buryatia works on variety of concepts and projects for development of the region. In addition to the development of tourism and natural resources in Buryatia, the priorities of socio-economic policy are improving living standards and creating jobs. However, clear and coordinated work of the state bodies is the most significant factor for successful implementation of these projects. Moreover, the republican authorities do not pay enough attention to support and develop state universities in Buryatia, which are hardly able to compete with the leading educational institutions of Russia. Development of the republican universities and institutes is needed not only to keep their own youth and attract young people from other regions and countries, but also to create opportunities and conditions for research and implementation of innovative projects.

Immigrants’ housing in the housing market in Russia: from the results of sociological questionnaire