No 1 (2015)
- Year: 2015
- Articles: 16
- URL:
Modernization and innovative progress of economic systems in the light of “guided chaos” theory
Genesis and essence of “guided chaos” theory is revealed as well as the reasons why this theory is added to the armoury of the USA when conducting their foreign economic policy. The article shows that the uncertainty and chaos let the USA keep their world supremacy and further make a profit out of arms race, eliminate the competitors that are out of favour and proceed to exploit the whole world using financial system and financial capital formed in their behalf. The difficulties in the implementation of modernization and innovative development of Russia are analyzed in the article and showed that dropping of economic growth rate in Russia almost to zero is connected not only with the sanctions imposed and internal factors but affords ground to take a look at a problem from the point of view of “guided chaos” processes. The virus of “guided chaos” has deeply penetrated in the high education system, the mass media, the authorities of the Ministry of Finance and Central Bank. The symptoms of this disease appear in numerous spheres and, first of all, in monetary one. The necessity of new economic policy on the basement of global internal development with respect to dynamic external environment is substantiated in the article.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2015;(1):7-18

Pensions provision: analysis in the framework of public sector economics
This publication analyses the theoretical aspects of the old age pension systems reforms. Basic causes of crises of distributary system at the beginning of our century are considered, the necessity of distributary system as the basis of old age pension system is substantiated in the framework of market failures concept, social ethics and social psychology.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2015;(1):19-27

Gender asymmetry in the field of labour relations in Russia
The purpose of the article is to reveal the historical roots of gender asymmetry and to show the current state of the problem. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of the situation leads to the conclusion that gender discrimination in Russia is a consequence of evolving social norms and rules, which reproduce unequal relations between men and women. Professional status of women, employment opportunities, re-education, training, career development reduced. It is all weakens social security of women. This is a result of reduced attention to the problem from the side of the state and civil society, and of the citizens attitude their own.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2015;(1):28-37

Formation and management of budget flows by custom’s authorities of Russian Federation
In the article there are described the problems, connected with the budgetary flours’ formation mechanism as the result of the cooperation between the customs organs and the participants VED. The author reveals the special feature of the formation of two differently directed flows of the cash resources - financial flours inputting to the federal budget and outputting to the customs authorities for their support as well as all the payments, authorized by the customs authorities dealing with the budgetary systems’ incomes. Besides there are reviewing the procedures necessary for the effective functioning of this mechanism.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2015;(1):38-46

Prospects for the development of the Eurasian Economic Union in the context of external economic security of the Russian Federation
The current integration processes on the former Soviet Union are analyzed at this article. It is noted in particular, that integration is being developed rapidly, but its driving force for Russia in most cases is political need rather than economic expediency. As much that circumstance makes integration processes unstable, which are influenced both by inner regional political events and external political factors rather than economic ones. There is an attempt to prove the usefulness of development and implementation of the common economic policy within the analyzed integrating country group and first of all in real economy spheres, lead to strengthen the economic interdependency of EEU member states. It has to have a positive effect on integration union stability and as aftermath to enhance external economic security of Russian Federation, which is the integrator country.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2015;(1):47-56

State TNCs in the world market of foreign direct investment: modern trends
Nowadays state TNCs are outstanding players in the world FDI market. National governments are often supporting investment activities of the state TNCs, stimulating them to integrate actively into the global value-added chains. This article on the basis of latest statistical data reviews main trends od state NTCs activity as well as shifts of their positions in the world economic architecture. The articles stresses that state TNCs from developing and transitive countries are leading in the process of international investment. The author came to the conclusion that state TNCs tend to be substantially active in that sectors where they are mostly strong in the domestic markets, and as well as in capital-intensive sectors, where they possess monopolistic position for getting economy of scale or, where it is important for the economic interests of the home country.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2015;(1):57-71

Russia’s place in natural gas market: modern trends, threats and prospects
This article deals with the analysis of the Russian natural gas market development. Today in terms of the complicated relations between Russia and countries that imposed sanctions against Russia due to the Ukrainian crisis this problem is especially important. The main aims of the article are: to analyze the global natural gas market; to reflect the importance of European market saving for Russia’s gas producers, the threats analysis for the Russian natural gas market both in spheres of external relations with key European partners and in the spheres of the alternative energy sources development; to considerate the prospects of the new ways of Russia’s natural gas external relations development.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2015;(1):72-81

Development of the methodical approaches for the evaluation of the institutes of innovative regional system
This article describes the basic theoretical approaches to the concept of “Institute”. The author’s definition is proposed here. The basic classification of institutions is studied herein. It is highlighted the principles of innovation system institutions evaluation. In the research the key factors affecting the level of institutions development in the region are examines. As a result of the research, a set of institutions that reflect the level of the innovation system development is proposed here: the Institution of private property and personal safety; Institution of trust; Institution of social control; Institute of corruption; Institute for Democracy; Institute of fiscal federalism; Institute for Local Self-Government; Institute of credit and taxation. There are evaluation indicators for each group of institutions that allow concluding the levels of development of the regional innovative environment.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2015;(1):82-93

The derivatives’ market: world trends and prospects
In article are considered problems of progress of the world derivative market which for last years has increased volume of the turn up to catastrophically huge parameters are analyzed, significantly higher than world GDP. It calls into question reliability of a world financial system as the vast majority of these financial tools addresses on the market and consequently is not a subject to any regulation or the control. The decision of these problems lays, in opinion of the author, in creation of uniform system of an exchange turn of all types of derivative financial tools, that should match the volume-produced derivatives and real underlying assets, underlying.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2015;(1):94-102

Economic shocks and cyclical development of national financial systems
In the article there is described the specific features of the national financial systems’ cyclic development due to the production process as well as with the financial flours, connected with it. The author determines the role and the place of the shocks theory in the cyclic development of the national economies, describes the global financial crises mechanism in the second part of the 2000-th and shows her position towards the specific features of the shocks realization in connection with its influence on the national financial systems’ cyclic development.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2015;(1):103-111

Innovative development in the Nordic countries: policy tools
The Nordic countries are among the European leaders of innovative development. The most important activity of the authorities is to create conditions for the development of successful innovative enterprises. The article examines the relationship of input and resulting indicators of innovative development of the Scandinavian countries, conducted appropriate quantitative evaluation. The analysis of the application of various tools to stimulate innovation shows that public support in the Nordic countries is not confined to the allocation of grants and subsidies for R & D, and covers a range of measures aimed at the development of education, support for small and medium-sized businesses, the development of innovative infrastructure.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2015;(1):112-126

Innovation personality as a producer and a consumer: economic and socio-cultural consequences of formation and functioning
The article sets the task to consider the main characteristics of the innovative personality as producers and consumers of innovative products. As a producer of innovative products, innovative personality need to have creativity, ability to take risks, tolerance of uncertainty. The personal characteristics of consumers of innovative products include the desire for novelty, ability to take risks, and the dominance of the emotional component when making decisions over rational. The author analyzes the possible negative consequences of purposeful formation of the above-mentioned personal qualities, such as increased numbers of people with mental regulation and behavior, the growing number of risks and instability in society, as well as opportunities for manipulating the minds of consumers.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2015;(1):127-137

Dynamical future hedging for security portfolio
The paper presents simple methods of forecasting volatility and correlation of relative changes of price based on exponential smoothing. As an example, the problem of dynamical mean-variance futures hedging of a position is considered. Effective adaptive strategies of portfolio risk management together with comparative analysis are illustrated by a concrete example. It is shown that this scheme of control may be generalized to the case of investment portfolio.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2015;(1):138-149

A study of structural changes influence on Russian economy
It is presented the experience of identifying a simple dynamic model of the economy by statistical data of Russia in the early 2000s. As a result the end time of the growth due to loading of existing production capacities and the beginning time of transition to their structural changes have been determined. It is shown that to describe the ongoing processes, it is necessary to build an economic model with differentiated by age production assets. It is demonstrated the use of the identification sets method for analysis of forecast stability on this economic model. The result of the analysis is a conclusion that a transition from an unstable state to an economic growth regime by the expense of informed decisions.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2015;(1):150-157

Our Authors
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2015;(1):158-159

For the Authors of vestnik, series Economics
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2015;(1):160-163