
External and internal barriers to innovation in the oil and gas complex of Russia
Korenevskaya A.V.
The system of sustainability factors of the fuel and energy complex of the regional economic system and improving the management of these factors in the regions of Russia
Zemlyacheva E.A.
China’s arms trade: trends and challenges
Reshetnikova M.S., Shvets S.S.
Current global trends in the diamond market and their impact on the development of diamond complexes of Russia and India
Maltseva O.A., Khromova N.G.
Model and algorithm for forming the optimum logistic plan of the complex of the related works
Anisimov V.G., Gapov M.R., Rodionova E.S.
Gomonov K.G.
Spatial differentiation in the development of territorial systems of public service (an example of Saransk city)
Semina I.A.
Traditional mediators in the world diamond market: Europe
Pototskaya T.I.
Russian companies in the international oil and gas business: innovative vector of development
Lavrov S.N., Dyakin B.G.
Road construction as a key area for public private partnership in the investment complex of Russia
Bystryakov A.Y., Bylym E.S.
Support tools of Russia’s oil and gas industry under western sanctions restrictions
Chernyaev M.V., Korenevskaya A.V.
Working out an Innovative Strategy for the Development of the Oil & Gas Complex in the Context of Global Energy Development and the Entrance of the Russian Federation to the World Trade Organization
Preys V.Y., Chernyaev M.V.
Russia in the global hydrocarbon economy
Lavrov S.N., Dyakin B.G.
Russia and the EU countries trade relations specificity in and around exchange of high-technology products (by example the space industry): the main problems and their solutions
Fomkina M.V.
Optimization of diversification management production at the enterprises of the defense-industrial complex
Batkovskiy A.M., Kravchuk P.V., Khrustalev E.I.
National industry: theoretical aspects of development in global value chains
Frolova Y.D., Abdurahmanova Z.A., Frolova E.A.
Russia and EU — joint future in electroenergetics
Kornyukhova A.V.
Justification of necessity and analysis of state support of agroindustrial complex in the Russian Federation
Karavdin A.A.
Methods and indicators of ensuring economic security of an industrial complex of the region
Samatov T.I.
Specific features of innovative sector in Russia
Volgina N.A., Garbar V.V., Palamarchuk N.Y.
1 - 20 of 20 Items

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