Optimization of diversification management production at the enterprises of the defense-industrial complex
- Authors: Batkovskiy A.M.1, Kravchuk P.V.2, Khrustalev E.I.3
- Moscow Aviation Institute
- Research and Development Center “Intellectron”
- Central Economics and Mathematics Institute of the RAS
- Issue: Vol 29, No 1 (2021)
- Pages: 137-149
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/economics/article/view/26020
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2313-2329-2021-29-1-137-149
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The currently used methods of optimizing the management of diversification activities are insufficiently theoretically substantiated. The available tools for this optimization do not allow quantitatively taking into account many factors affecting this process in today's difficult economic conditions, which gives rise to many problems. Among them, an important and still unsolved problem is a scientifically grounded quantitative assessment of risks for the implementation of diversification measures. It is especially relevant now for the enterprises of the military-industrial complex. The authors propose an approach to the study of the theoretical foundations of optimization of production diversification management as a form of systemic transformation of enterprises and a new toolkit for solving the problem under consideration based on the use of the expert assessment method and economic and mathematical modeling of risk analysis of diversification measures. Significance of the research is determined by the need to optimize the management of production diversification at the enterprises of the military-industrial complex.
About the authors
Aleksandr M. Batkovskiy
Moscow Aviation Institute
Author for correspondence.
Email: batkovskiy_a@instel.ru
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor of the Department 315 “Management of High-Tech Enterprises”
4 Volokolamskoe Hwy, Moscow, 125993, Russian FederationPavel V. Kravchuk
Research and Development Center “Intellectron”
Email: p.kravchuk@mail.ru
Doctor of Economics, Professor, Commercial Director
4A Plekhanova St, Moscow, 111123, Russian FederationEvgenii Iu. Khrustalev
Central Economics and Mathematics Institute of the RAS
Email: stalev@cemi.rssi.ru
Doctor of Economics, Professor, chief researcher
47 Nakhimovskii Ave, Moscow, 117418, Russian FederationReferences
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