The paper first presents the unique material matching the description of the word TIME in different author's dictionaries, created one model - in is the idioglossarium of Dostoevsky and etnnoidioglossarium of Ch. Aitmatov. There are no textual database of all works of Chingiz Aitmatov, there is no etnnoidioglossarium, but perfectly designed structure of a dictionary entry in the idioglossarium of Dostoevsky gives the possibility, firstly, to create a similar entry on a separate piece of another author; secondly, it gives an opportunity to see the peculiarities of the author's intention and his creative workshop, even if the work of different writers belongs to the different epochs; thirdly, it gives an opportunity to see the broad linguocultural and historical context of the writer's Outlook. To compare the language of two writers in this article the most informative, interesting and suitable parameters for comparison on incomplete material are chosen: this word frequency is a significant indicator for idioglossa; this is a system of contextual values - definitions - giving an idea of the completeness of the meaning of the word; this is the phraseology that has a stable form; it is the aphorisms - are important indicators of the author's thinking; this is an associative field, identified vocabulary from the context of the idioglossa; there are figures of speech showing the level of language proficiency and the breadth of precedent texts. Not represented vocabulary of idioglosses, as it does not make sense to compare the wordlist of a single work and the most complete Glossarium of all the works of the two authors. For comparison, two authors were chosen - Russian-speaking and bilingual, writing in Russian and Kyrgyz languages, and this is a unique opportunity to see the creative and linguistic features of each on the basis of Russian. This comparison contains unlimited perspectives. The dictionary description of the writer's language reveals the worldview (“picture of the world”) of each of them does not depend on the subjective assessment of the researcher, but reveals the truth.