Analysis of vignette method data in sociological research
- Authors: Puzanova Z.V1, Tertyshnikova AG1
- Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia
- Issue: Vol 16, No 4 (2016)
- Pages: 742-754
- Section: Theory, Methodology and History of Sociological Research
- URL:
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The article considers the vignette method as a projective technique that can be an alternative for the traditional methods in mass surveys. The authors present an example of the study of the social representations of an intelligent man with the vignette method: identify the meaning of the concept ‘social representations’ suggested by S. Moscovici, a scientist who introduced its conceptualization and empirical interpretation; and describe the structure of social representations which consists of a ‘core’ and a ‘periphery’ according to the theory of J.-C. Abric. The article shows the process of creating vignettes, choosing their number and conditions for the tool application. The main emphasis is made on the analysis of data obtained through the vignette method by calculating indices, discriminant analysis and logistic regression, and the explanation for the application of these three techniques is given. The authors describe the research procedure, the creation of the tool and the sample; compare the results of each method of analysis. Discriminant analysis and logistic regression data confirm each other, which is an important verification of the results of different methods of analysis.
About the authors
Zh V Puzanova
Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia
Author for correspondence.
Moscow, Russia
A G Tertyshnikova
Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia
Moscow, Russia
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