Axiology of Proverbs in the Focus of the Problem of Cognitive-discursive Modeling of Semantics of Russian Proverbs
- Authors: Semenenko N.N.1
- Starooskolsky branch of Belgorod state national research University
- Issue: Vol 11, No 2 (2020): Semantics of Universal and Specific in the Language and a Text
- Pages: 213-232
- URL:
- DOI:
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The article is devoted to the analysis of the problem of determining the value factor in the semantic structure of proverbs in relation to the problem of cognitive-pragmatic modeling of proverbial semantics. The relevance of the appeal to the value component of paremic semantics is due to the approach to solving the problems of semantics of signs of indirect-derived nomination in the system “Language - text - discourse”, which has already become traditional for anthropocentric linguistics. Paremia is considered as a syncretic sign that combines the properties of a texteme (a language sign) and a statement (a discursive unit). Many features of it’s speech implementation are due to the combination of the properties of a mini-text with a “folded” semantic structure and a discourse unit that contributes to the formation of meaning in it’s space. In the course of determining the essence of the approach to the description of the problem specified linguophilosophical cultural status values, and proposes the author's concept define cognitive-pragmatic status values as linguaitaliana units allocated in the cognitive basis of the values of folk aphorism and implemented in a pragmatic component paramedische values. The description of axiological paremic representation is carried out in line with the cognitive-pragmatic approach to the distinction between axiological and evaluative in the semantic content of proverbs. Grounded in the study of the model description of the axiological accentually pareticheski semantics is illustrated by a thematic group of proverbs and in describing the discursive potential of the proverbs included in the context. The relevance of the study is due to the consideration of paremic semantics as a field of linguosinergic interaction of value and evaluation, expressed in the semantic structure of proverbs.
About the authors
Natalia N. Semenenko
Starooskolsky branch of Belgorod state national research University
Author for correspondence.
Professor of the Department of Philology
18, Solnechnyi, Stary Oskol, Belgorod region, Russian Federation, 309502References
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