- Authors: Sun Shuyang -1
- Sankt-Petersburg State University
- Issue: Vol 8, No 3 (2017)
- Pages: 672-681
- Section: Articles
- URL:
- DOI:
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Any phenomenon in our real world has certain springs and causes and produces certain con-sequences. Establishing causality is the result - and sometimes a purpose - of human thinking, which makes the study of these relationships in different types of texts relevant: it reveals the specifics of the mental and linguistic logic, and the vision of the world in our mind. Russian Proverbs as an object of linguistic studies give us great opportunities to identify the charac-teristics of expressions of causality: in proverbs are manifested immanent properties of Proverbs as units of the folk genre, with their particular nature of generalization and verbalization of information, with a special syntax. The materials of our study are Russian Proverbs, which gleaned from the dictionary of V.I. Dahl, V.P. Zhukov, etc., and the contexts from the National corpus of the Russian language. Analysis of the pro-verbial syntactic structures - from simple sentences to various types of complex, which are based on the experience of the study of the category of causality and ways of expressing causality in language, allows you to see the most typical features of expressions in the Russian Proverbs. These include, on the one hand, the explicit and implicit ways of their verbalization. On the other hand, our classification is based on syntactic structures of Russian Proverbs, and among them - most frequency, and lexical means involved in the expression of the semantics of causality, and it were encoded in the semantics of proverbs as a whole.
About the authors
- Sun Shuyang
Sankt-Petersburg State University
Author for correspondence.
Sun Shuyang, PhD student in Saint Petersburg State University; Interests: Functional discourse grammar, grammatical aspect, proverbs in Russian language
Universitetskaya embankment, 7/9, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, 199034References
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