Digital Communication and Multimodal Features: Functioning of Emoji in Interpersonal Communication
- Authors: Koltsova E.A.1, Kartashkova F.I.2
- Saint Petersburg Mining University
- Ivanovo State University
- Issue: Vol 13, No 3 (2022)
- Pages: 769-783
- URL:
- DOI:
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Technical advances and digital means of communication have led to the development of digital semiotics which is characterised by its multimodality and abounds in paralinguistic elements such as emojis, emoticons, memes, etc. These extralinguistic elements serve as a compensatory mechanism in the new communication means. The increasing interest of users in various iconic signs and symbols generates the research interest in different fields of knowledge. The study aims to consider cognitive, semiotic and psycholinguistic features of emojis in interpersonal communication through analysing their functions in text messages and in social network messages. An attempt to reveal their persuasive mechanism is made. The research is based on a large scale dataset comprised of the private text messages as well as public posts on social networks which include verbal and nonverbal / iconic elements. The research data presents a multilingual bank of English, Russian and French sources. The research methods include context analysis, linguistic and pragmatic analysis and content analysis. The findings show that emojis in private interpersonal communication perform a number of functions, namely nonverbal, emotive, pragmatic, punctuation, substitutional, decorative and rhetorical functions. These iconic symbols incorporated in the interpersonal digital communication present a compensatory mechanism and the means of persuasion of a message addressee / recipient. The combination of verbal and iconic elements triggers a double focusing mechanism, and the perception is shaped by all cognitive mechanisms including rational and emotional, unconscious components.
About the authors
Elena A. Koltsova
Saint Petersburg Mining University
Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-8724-2181
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Department of Foreign Languages
2, 21st Line, St Petersburg, Russian Federation, 199106Faina I. Kartashkova
Ivanovo State University
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-7095-9143
Dr. Sc. (Philology), Professor, Professor of the Department of Foreign Philology, Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation, Head of NOC «Laboratory of Communicative Human Behavior»
39, Ermaka st., Ivanovo, Russian Federation, 153025References
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