Topical Trends of Modern Linguistics with the Positions of the Systemic Approach. Some Thoughts on the Results of a Scientific Internship at RUDN University “General and Specialized Methodology of Philological Science”, 2019
- Authors: Valentinova O.I.1, Denisenko V.N.1, Rybakov M.A.1
- RUDN University (Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia)
- Issue: Vol 12, No 3 (2021): Linguistic dominants of grammar and lexics
- Pages: 918-933
- URL:
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The article describes disputes about current issues of the modern scientific paradigm from the standpoint of systemic linguistics, whose powerful explanatory potential remains beyond the scope of the mass trends of linguistic science, and the formulation of new scientific issues as a result of a fruitful extrapolation of the systemic approach to the fields of philology that are not considered by the founders of systemic linguistics. In the first part of the article we considered differences in understanding the object, subject and method in Russian and foreign cognitive linguistics, leading to the loss of the international nature of linguistics, discussion of extremely painful issues for the Russian “cognitive science” about the cognitive futility of the term “concept” and the application of the “cognitive” approach in the study of discourse and text, violation of the continuity between the highest achievements of Russian and foreign scientific thought and the popular modern areas of linguistic research. Further in the article, the standpoint of a systemic typology is applied to the active processes of modern Russian speech. In the light of the approach taken, the facts that seem disparate from the standpoint of the culture of speech, from the standpoint of the systemic typology of languages, appear interconnected and determined by a general tendency - the deformation of the morphological type of the Russian language in the direction of the destruction of inflectivity. The result of the observed typological changes is the reduction in the possibility transfer highly intellectual meanings. An explanation of the principles of the organization of poetic speech in relation to the systemic typology of languages is an example how successfully S.Yu. Preobrazhensky applied the theory of the founder of modern systemic linguistics in the field which is far from interests of G.P. Melnikov. If the coincidence of the boundaries of the verse with the boundaries of the phrase within the sentence means the prevalence of the natural, that is, characteristic of the type of natural language in which the poem is written, principle of division, then the mismatch of boundaries speaks of a poetic technique that seeks to emphasize that the poetic statement is called upon to perform special communicative tasks leading to reconfiguring poetic syntax to other types of languages. The prospects of updating the systemic approach in modern semantic studies of grammar and vocabulary are discussed in the fourth and final part. The obtained results, which are set out in the article become the evidence base of the high potential for using the achievements of systemic linguistics in modern research practices.
About the authors
Olga I. Valentinova
RUDN University (Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia)
Author for correspondence.
DSc in Philology, Full Professor, Professor
6, Miklukho-Maklaya str., Moscow, Russian Federation, 117198Vladimir N. Denisenko
RUDN University (Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia)
DSc in Philology, Full Professor, the Head of the General and Russian Linguistics Department
6, Miklukho-Maklaya str., Moscow, Russian Federation, 117198Mikhail A. Rybakov
RUDN University (Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia)
PhD in Philology, Associate-Professor
6, Miklukho-Maklaya str., Moscow, Russian Federation, 117198References
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