Problems of Translation of Parenthetic Clauses from Russian into Turkish in Social and Political Texts


Actively developing mass media field generates high demand for specialists who are able to translate texts of social and political topics from Russian into a foreign language and vice versa quickly and efficiently. While learning, students make common mistakes, which should be carefully corrected and prevented. The purpose of this article is to identify the most common mistakes made in translations of parenthetic clauses from Turkish into Russian and to develop recommendations for translating this type of sentences. The research is based on the translations of parenthetic clauses from Russian into Turkish made by three Turkish native speakers who are proficient in Russian, and ten Russian-speaking informants who are 4th-year undergraduate and graduate students of the leading Russian universities where Turkish language is taught as a major. The lack of research papers on the topic indicates the scientific novelty of the study. As a result of the study, the authors conclude that translation of parenthetic clauses presents significant difficulties for students and propose the following recommendations: there are two variants of translating Russian parenthetic clauses into Turkish - a subordinate clause with the conjunction ki and a participle clause with a participle of present-past tenses -(y)An . The first variant reflects the meaning expressed by Russian parenthetic clause most accurately, i.e. makes an emphasis. When referring to this variant, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the subordinate clause must have its own subject, which is most often presented by the pronoun bu ‘this’, or its subject must coincide with the subject of the main clause. The second variant mainly performs a determinative function, therefore, the sentence emphasis is made lexically. The stylistics should also be considered: a subordinate clause with the conjunction ki , as emotionally more powerful, is mainly used in analytical newspaper publications, while a participle clause with the participle -(y)An is more neutral stylistically. Therefore, if there are any difficulties with choosing the correct way to translate parenthetic clauses from Russian into Turkish, it is recommended to refer to - the (y)An participle.

About the authors

Elena A. Oganova

Lomonosov Moscow State University

Author for correspondence.

Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of the Department of Turkic Philology for the Institute of Asian and African Studies

11, Mokhovaya str., Moscow, Russian Federation, 125009

Olga A. Alekseeva

Lomonosov Moscow State University


Postgraduate Student of the Department of Turkic Philology for the Institute of Asian and African Studies

11, Mokhovaya str., Moscow, Russian Federation, 125009


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