Speech Interference as the Result of a Two-Pronged Negative Influence
- Authors: Dzhusupov M.1
- Uzbekistan State University of World Languages
- Issue: Vol 12, No 1 (2021)
- Pages: 23-40
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/semiotics-semantics/article/view/25803
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2313-2299-2021-12-1-23-40
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The article considers the problem of the interaction of languages in the process of forming a bilingual personality and society. A comparative study of the material, the mother tongue and the studied language, reveals the causes of interference in bilingual speech in a foreign language. Traditionally, the causes of speech interference are determined by the characteristics of a native language, which are not found in the language studied, therefore they negatively affect the process of mastering the second language, which generates speech errors. This is a one-sided approach to understand interference in general and its origins (causes) in particular. The article considers the problem of a two-way approach to understanding the phenomenon of speech interference. Speech interference is a result of the negative influence of both the characteristics of the native language and the characteristics of the language being studied, i.e. it is a simultaneous two-way process in dual unity. Both processes of negative influence on an individual’s mastery of a second language are defined as one action in bilinguality, giving the same result - interference in bilingual speech, which is expressed in phonetic-phonological, semantic and other types and types of speech errors. The simultaneous and inconsistent negative influence of the features of the native language and the non-native language considered on the material of consonant combinations in the initial words of the Russian and Kazakh languages, when the absence of combinations of consonants in this position of the Kazakh word and their presence in this position of the Russian word to the same extent and at the same time negatively influence on the correct - the literary pronunciation of Kazakh words and Russian words. Thus, in contrast to the traditional explanation of the phenomenon of speech interference as a result of a one-sided negative process, it is proposed and proved that this phenomenon is the result of (simultaneous) two-way influence of features, native and studied languages. Errors of an individual in speech in a foreign language are considered according to the provisions of the syntagmatic typology of interference (plus segmentation, or minus segmentation).
About the authors
Mahanbet Dzhusupov
Uzbekistan State University of World Languages
Author for correspondence.
Email: mah.dzhusupov@mail.ru
Doctor of science in philology, Professor, Honorary Professor and Honorary Head of the Department of the Russian Language
21a, Kichik halka yuli str., G9a, Tashkent, The Republic of Uzbekistan, 100138References
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