- Authors: Dremov A.F1
- MGIMO University
- Issue: Vol 10, No 1 (2019)
- Pages: 43-62
- URL:
- DOI:
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The article presents some of the results of systematic studies of the functions of the cases in a simple Russian sentence. Primarily, the systemic interpretation of the simplest and simple sentences as syntactic units is postulated, which possess not only different compositions and structures, but also reveal different grammatical meanings and categorial senses. Alongside, the notion of an event is defined and determined; the concept of predication is clarified and redefined; the concept of a dialectic, or causal, syllogism is introduced as a meaning caused by the internal form of a simple sentence. Consecutively, the ostensive definition of the internal determinants of the Russian language is given.
About the authors
Alexey F Dremov
MGIMO University
Author for correspondence.
PhD of Philology, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Russian Department
76, Vernadskogo ave., Moscow, Russia, 119454References
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