CONCEPTS “WOMAN”, “MAN”, “LOVE” IN FRENCH PROVERBS (based on the French language of France and Belgium)
- Authors: Nelyubova N.Y.1, Syomina P.S1, Ershov V.I2
- RUDN University
- Linguistics and translation department, Odintsovo branch MGIMO-University
- Issue: Vol 9, No 4 (2018)
- Pages: 926-943
- URL:
- DOI:
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In this article, the concepts “concept” and “value”, which clearly and fully characterize the linguistic world-image of a particular nation, are examined. Some approaches to the study of the term “concept” are discussed, the concept and its structure characteristics are presented, the nominative field of the concept and its attributes are analyzed. A brief description of the term “value” in linguistics is given. A parallel with the concept is given, some similarities and differences in the nature of these two terms are described. The material examined is the French language proverbial fund of France and Belgium. The definition of the proverb is given, examples of French and Belgian proverbs are analyzed, and their analysis is carried out in order to identify the most popular values of both nations. The principal concepts reflected in the proverbs studied: “woman”, “man”, “love”; the conclusions, obtained as a result of the research, are summarized. The purpose of this article is to study French concepts on the basis of French proverbial dictionaries and compare them with the concepts revealed in the proverbs of French-speaking Belgians. This study is relevant because, despite the availability of scientific literature describing the main concepts of the French and a number of works on the comparative analysis of the French language peculiarities of the French and Belgians, the problem of comparing the linguistic world-image of both nations on the material of proverbs has not been previously studied in detail.
About the authors
Natalia Yu Nelyubova
RUDN University
Author for correspondence.
PhD of Philology, Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of Foreign Languages, Faculty of Philology, RUDN University; research interests: comparative study of French, Russian and English
6, Miklukho-Maklaya str., Moscow, Russia, 117198Polina S Syomina
RUDN University
3 year post-graduate student in “Romance languages”, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia; research interests: the study of the linguistic features of the Belgian version of the French language, the identification of principal French and Belgian concepts on various linguistic material
6, Miklukho-Maklaya str., Moscow, Russia, 117198Viktor I Ershov
Linguistics and translation department, Odintsovo branch MGIMO-University
PhD, Associate professor, associate professor at the Linguistics and translation department, Odintsovo branch MGIMO-University; research interests: theory of translation, innovative approaches in translation teaching
3, Russia, Novo-Sportivnaya str, Odintsovo, Moscow region, 143007References
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