No 4 (2008)
- Year: 2008
- Articles: 16
- URL:
«Makhnovchina» a la russe: Anarchist A.A. Morev at the head of the Gorodetskij Soviet of Workers' and Peasants' Deputies (1918)
In the article the author basing on a fresh contemporary records about Alexej Morev, the Chairman of the Volost Soviet in Gorodets, attempts to observe the process of cooperation between the most radical revolutionary organizations - Anarchists, Left SRs and Bolsheviks - in the struggle for the political influence over the social «rank-and-files» in Russia at the beginning of 1918. Contrary to the description of Anarchists as «adventurers» and «extremists» generally accepted in historiography, the author demonstrates that praxis of some anti-Statists could serve as constructive basement for a social transformation.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2008;(4):5-11

«The work of cutting oats will give more materials for a playwright...» soviet writer's intelligentsia in country of 1930s
The article has opened role of the soviet writes in formation new views and loyal attitude toward government thought enlightenment and making theaters in the country in thirtieth years the twentieth century. At the same time soviet writes learned everyday life peasants.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2008;(4):12-19

Myths and reality of «latvian national opposition» in the second world war: struggle for free Latvia or ordinary fascism
The theme researched by the author has important historical-political significance. The author showed the essence of the «Latvian national opposition during the Second World War that played an auxiliary role for Hitler Germany in its plans for world domination - in bloody crimes against humanity. Being covered by «noble slogans of protection of Latvia from bolshevism», Latvian nationalists and fascists were the instrument in the war against the Soviet Union.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2008;(4):20-31

The Soviet military periodical press in the post-war period of strict ideological regime in the country (1945-1953)
The activity of the Soviet military periodical press has always closely connected with the social and political changes in the country. It took place especially in the period of the so-called «late Stalinism» (1945-1953). As far as the functioning of the means of mass information is concerned those years became the period of strict ideological regime of the country.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2008;(4):32-38

Reformation-democratic model's forming in works of Russian thinkers of the second part of 19th Centurie
In the article the author analyzes forming of the liberal-democratic sights in Russia of the second part of XIX c. The most important steps of the thought are shown. The most precise is the attention to main ideas of reformation democracy. The author gives us methodology of the study.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2008;(4):39-54

The image of reformative populism (narodnitchestvo) in the works of Russian pre-revolutionary historians
The article represents the analyses of the term «liberal populism (liberal narodnitchestvo)», which was introduced into practice by Russian historians relating to the moderate wing of the one of the most important Russian socio-political movement of second part of the XIXth century. The prominence is given to the reasons, which had influenced on the prevailing opinion of pre-revolutionary historians about this movement. At the same time the article presents some new approaches to the history of the social and political ideas in Russia.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2008;(4):55-71

Business culture of russian entrepeneurs in their relations with workers (the end of 19th - beginning of 20th century)
The authors consider one of the most important components of pre-Revolutionary Russian entrepreneurial culture associated with the character of their relations with workers. The research is based on the archival materials of the two large textile manufactures located in the Central industrial region of Russia. The article presents different elements of the system of rewards and punishments practiced by entrepreneurs to stabilize working force, to attract and consolidate skilled and disciplined workers, to provide high quality of production.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2008;(4):72-92

The practice of «surplus labour» and no readiness to «surplus production»: to the problem of methods of research of Mussulman owner Business Culture of Russia in the End of the 19th - beginning of the 20th Centuries
In this article peculiarities of business culture of mussulman owners in the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries are examined. The author lean on method which permits to examine of business activities of mussulman people in the correlation with the system of their religious values and compares these results with information about orthodox compatriots. The elucidation of causes of considerable lag of Russian mussulman owners in the sphere of industrial production from their orthodox colleagues is the object of this article.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2008;(4):93-104

«The merchant style » (the views about the fashion in the environment of the ural merchant class in the first half of XIX century)
The article is devoted to the analysis of external shape of merchants of three Urals Mountains provinces - Vatka, Perm and Orenburg, during the prereform period. The author has investigated the parity of traditional views about a fashion and new trends in a daily merchant life on the basis of various groups of sources. The role of a suit in formation of social shape of the Ural merchant class is found out too.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2008;(4):105-117

V.P. Meschersky salon: informal relationship and patronage within the Russian bureaucracy world (end of 19th - beginning of 20th centuries)
The paper discusses the phenomenon of patron-client relationship and social exchange in Russian noble salons (end of 19th - beginning of 20th centuries). M. Leonov argues that Prince V.P. Meschersky' salon functioned as an exchange network where actors were connected by a broker. There were often held meetings opened for the top bureaucracy and the representatives of the educated society. By means of the salon many visitors could have acquired promotion for top positions, including positions in ministries, as well as different economical privileges.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2008;(4):118-130

«Bureaucrats and bureaucracy in Russia in the 19th and in the 20th centuries: the common and the difference». All-Russian Scientific Conference. Moscow, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. May 29-30, 2008
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2008;(4):140-148

Dissertational Council D 212.203.03 in Peoples' Friendship University of Russiaat the first half of the 2008
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2008;(4):149-152

National Project «Education»: Informatics' Technologies for Historians
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2008;(4):153-154

R.A. Arslanov 60th Anniversary
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2008;(4):155-156

Our Authors
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2008;(4):157-158