Vol 10, No 4 (2023)
- Year: 2023
- Articles: 9
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/public-administration/issue/view/1725
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2312-8313-2023-10-4
Full Issue
Public administration: theory and practice
Rethinking the National Policy of the USSR
In the twentieth century, the Soviet Union went through a complex process of revolution, rise, crisis, reform and disintegration, which is strongly influenced by its national policy. Despite successful governance experience of the USSR, national problems, in particular ethnic contradictions, accompany the entire history of the Soviet Union and have become one of the most important factors in its collapse, which demonstrates serious shortcomings in the national policy of the USSR. All this means that rethinking the national policy of the Union state in order to learn lessons is of urgent importance both for modern Russia and for other multinational states.

Public-private Partnership in the Utility and Energy Sector: Achieved Results, Problems and Challenges
The inefficiency of the functioning of the utility and energy sector of Russia, accompanied by limited funds of the state (municipal) budget, actualizes the issues of the use of public-private partnership (hereinafter - PPP) in this area. The purpose of the article is to study the Russian practice of using PPP in the utility and energy sector in the context of evaluating the results achieved, identifying current problems and challenges. The methodological basis of the study was the basic provisions of the dialectical method of cognition. The author defines and systematizes the achieved results of the use of PPP in the utility and energy sector of Russia, starting in 2016 and up to the present. This made it possible to identify problems and challenges related to this process of a legal, organizational, economic, financial, industrial and informational nature. The materials of the conducted research can be used in the development and decision-making to ensure the effective development of the utility and energy sector on the basis of PPP.

Development of Public-Private Partnerships in Russia from 2015 to 2023
Public-private partnership (PPP) is a financial instrument that allows attracting private investment in the development of social infrastructure and allocating budget funds more efficiently. The goals of this tool are to improve the quality of life of the population and raise the welfare of the country. Within the framework of the theory of a mixed economy, the state, through PPP, abandons inefficient forms of management, shifting the management of state property and various responsibilities to the private sector, which brings organizational experience and various innovations to production, invests its own funds in the development of the enterprise and minimizes the risks of entrepreneurial activity. The important aspect of exploring the opportunities that public-private partnership brings for the Russian Federation and private business is to consider the development of PPP over the past few years. Taking into account the stated fact, a small study was conducted, consisting in the analysis of the development of public-private partnership in Russia in the period from 2015 to 2023.

Perpetuation of a Military Feat in the USSR
This article presents a study of the various forms of memorialization in the former USSR, tracing their roots back to ancient Russia and examining their prevalence in modern times. The article provides a detailed overview of forms of perpetuation, encompassing cultural traditions such as songs and bylinas, as well as religious buildings, memorial tablets, and memorial complexes. Technical terms are explained upon first use, and sentences are formulated with clear structure and causal connections. In contemporary times, the most prominent means of preserving historical memory are the eternal flames in urban areas, grandiloquent propaganda, and the practice of naming significant sites after the heroes of the homeland such as airports, squares, and roads.

The Use of Modern Technologies to Increase the Level of Trust in Society
One of the pressing issues of the modern world is the problem of trust in government. The election process is a pivotal event in society’s life, influencing a country’s future. Decreased trust in authority, including elections, leads to vulnerability in the voting and result tallying process. Simultaneously, the rapid advancement of information technology, automation, and computerization affecting almost all spheres of life, among other things, has a widespread impact on the functioning of government institutions. One of the key tasks addressed by new technologies is increasing trust levels in society. Blockchain technology, or distributed ledgers, has revolutionized the world of information technology and found applications in various domains, including the organization of elections at different levels. The use of blockchain technology in the electoral process can help address the trust issue by ensuring transparency, reliability, and confidentiality in voting, while minimizing the possibility of result tampering. In a blockchain-based system, voting can occur anonymously without intermediaries and intermediate technologies. This article examines the problem of trust in government institutions, highlights issues in the electoral process, presents a description of the blockchain technology-based solution, and provides examples of existing systems used during the electoral process. It concludes that the implementation of blockchain technology in the electoral process will ensure a more transparent and secure voting process, significantly increasing trust in authority.

Studying the Political Values in the Digital: The Review of Russian and Foreign Cases
The article discusses the best practices for studying the political values of respondents in the context of a high degree of digitalization. In the process of increasing the role of the Internet, there is a need to study the patterns of user behavior in the network space. The purpose of this article is to develop an optimal design of a scientific work for the study of the cognitive-value structure of worldview models of a modern Russian. The article is based on the analysis of regulatory legal acts. The author suggests that a hybrid research strategy and triangulation of methods is a key factor in the development of a scientific work program in the context of the digital transition in society. The reviewed materials contain important for understanding the approaches and methods of studying the political values of the respondents.

State Innovation Policy in the Conditions of Structural Reorganization of the Economy
Currently, the main role of the state in the implementation of the state innovation policy is to create infrastructure for innovation and to finance new developments and fundamental research. In today’s world, the speed of change is increasing, and the role of the state becomes even more important, especially in times of crisis and economic restructuring. State innovation policy can accelerate the pace of development of individual industries, stimulate inter-industry cooperation, and help to remove barriers to innovation (legislative and infrastructural). This study is devoted to the formation of effective innovation policy in the conditions of economic restructuring associated with the economic crisis, heavy international political and economic environment. In order to analyze and make recommendations on innovation policy, such main innovation factors are analyzed as: financing, creation of infrastructure, customer or initiator of innovations, development of competencies, as well as creation of innovation culture. The role of the state in the above factors is paramount. The study analyzes the data presented for the last 5 years and provides forecasts for 2023.

Georgios Vasiliou and the Imperatives of Cyprus’s Foreign Policy: Examining the Role of the Individual in International Relations
The article examines the foreign policy strategies of the third President of the Republic of Cyprus, Georgios Vasiliou (1988-1993), through the prism of the anthropology of international relations. The main emphasis is on his attempts to resolve the Cyprus conflict and successfully integrate Cyprus into the EU. The analysis explores the interconnection of various factors in Cyprus’s foreign and domestic policies, which are related to the peculiarities of its political culture and internal party-political processes. The authors conclude that Vasiliou’s policy was largely shaped by the peculiarities of his personality, biography, education level, and overall political culture. The correctness of Cyprus’s European choice and Vasiliou’s leading role in this process is yet to be evaluated by future generations. It is this choice that allowed Cyprus to timely initiate the mechanisms of modernization, transforming it into a modern democratic and innovative state. The work incorporates littleknown biographical facts and materials from the Cyprian newspaper and personal interviews with the former president.

An Investigation into the Retention of Talent in the Nigeria Banking Sector
This study aims to investigate talent retention in the Nigeria Banking Sector using Wema Bank Plc. as a case study. To achieve this aim, the primary source of data was employed to collect data from respondents. Specifically, semi-structured interviews were conducted to gather data from nine (9) employees at Wema Bank. Data retrieved were analysed using thematic analysis. Findings from the semi-structured interview showed that factors such as poor remuneration, non-flexibility in work arrangements, poor performance management process, increased workload, and increased stress levels are responsible for the increased rate of talent turnover in Nigeria Banks. In addition, it was discovered that the increased turnover rate caused by the identified factors had been the cause of poor service delivery of banks, especially in areas such as Internet banking and mobile applications. Furthermore, employee resistance to change, non-commitment of the management team, and budget constraints were identified as challenges causing a hindrance to the implementation of some of the talent retention strategies created by Wema Bank. Thus, based on the findings from the semi-structured interview, training and educating talent, ensuring timely promotion, pay increase in such a way that offers more than competitors within and outside the banking industry, rewarding and recognising talent, implementing flexible work arrangements, and ensuring cross border recruitment, have been found suitable for improving talent retention in Nigerian Banks. Furthermore, the study recommended implementing flexible work arrangement policies and practices to help reduce workload and stress and ensure a healthy work-life balance.