Perpetuation of a Military Feat in the USSR
- Authors: Akulenko I.V.1
- Russian State Social University
- Issue: Vol 10, No 4 (2023)
- Pages: 524-531
- Section: Public administration: theory and practice
- URL:
- DOI:
- EDN:
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This article presents a study of the various forms of memorialization in the former USSR, tracing their roots back to ancient Russia and examining their prevalence in modern times. The article provides a detailed overview of forms of perpetuation, encompassing cultural traditions such as songs and bylinas, as well as religious buildings, memorial tablets, and memorial complexes. Technical terms are explained upon first use, and sentences are formulated with clear structure and causal connections. In contemporary times, the most prominent means of preserving historical memory are the eternal flames in urban areas, grandiloquent propaganda, and the practice of naming significant sites after the heroes of the homeland such as airports, squares, and roads.
About the authors
Ilia V. Akulenko
Russian State Social University
Author for correspondence.
Employee of the Department for Perpetuating the Memory of those Killed in the Defense of the Fatherland, Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation; Postgraduate Student of the Department of Complex Humanities (Subject-Subject Relations), Russian State Social University 4/1, Vilgelma Pika Str., Moscow, Russian Federation, 129226
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