Vol 10, No 1 (2023)
- Year: 2023
- Articles: 12
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/public-administration/issue/view/1653
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2312-8313-2023-10-1
Full Issue
The Turmoil in the Moscow State at the Beginning of the XVII Century and Its Influence on the Transformation of the Foundations and Principles of Russian Statehood (Political Science Aspect)
The article gives the author’s interpretation of the nature and degree of influence of the events of the Time of Turmoil at the beginning of the XVII century in Russia on the evolution of the foundations and principles of Russian statehood. The author of the article notes that this problem, which is important for understanding the history of Russian statehood, has not yet received proper coverage and the necessary scientific study. Agreeing with the opinion of researchers who assess the events of the Turmoil as the first deep state crisis in the development of the country, the author of the article draws attention to the fact that modern publications do not take into account the fact that in many respects it was the tragedy of the Turmoil that predetermined many new phenomena in the state and public life of Russia, which ensured the country’s exit from the Turmoil and the restoration of state order. On the one hand, the masses, under the influence of the events of the Turmoil, began to assimilate new ideas about the relationship between the government and society that were not peculiar to them before, linking the concept of the state with the “land”, with the concept of “common benefit”. On the other hand, the Russian political elite was also forced to revise the previous methods of government and build their relations with citizens on the basis of taking into account public interests, common “zemstvo” benefits. The article substantiates the methodologically important position that it is from the events of the Turmoil that it is possible to start the formation of a new understanding of the state and state power in Russian society in their modern meaning. The author of the article leads to the idea that it was these changes in the consciousness of the masses and the behavior of the elite that became decisive for the country’s exit from the Turmoil, at the same time drawing a parallel with the Byzantine model of power, the stability of which in times of crisis was also explained by the presence of a unique state structure that connected the rigid monarchical vertical and the horizontal of developed self-government.

The Mobilization State as an Essential Characteristic of Russian Civilization: The Initial Stage of Formation
The local-civilizational approach, shared by the author of the article, assumes the existence of various “cultural-historical types” (In the words of his pioneer N.Ya. Danilevsky), which have different “logics of culture” and types of “collective cognitive unconscious” (according to A.V. Smirnov). These qualitative differences formed under the influence of special climatic and geographical conditions (habitat), as well as historical Challenges and the Answers found to them (according to A. Toynbee), found their expression in political and economic institutions, algorithms for responding to crises. One of such institutions for the Russian civilization was the phenomenon of the mobilization state, born as a spontaneous response to a historical challenge, mentally and institutionally fixed later (as a tested means of response). In this article, using the method of historical reconstruction, the author stops at the initial stage of the formation of this very specific manifestation of traditional Russian collectivism.

Community Tradition in Pre-Romanov Russia
The understanding of the basic laws of the political history of Russia will be obviously incomplete without a scientific understanding of the role of the community (agricultural, rural, peasant) in the development of national statehood at each appropriate stage. The unity and continuity of the national history up to and including the Soviet period was ensured by the reproduction of the community in its various concrete historical forms. The way out of the most significant points of bifurcation in the history of Russia is inextricably linked with the communal tradition: the revival of the national statehood both after the overthrow of the Horde yoke, and during the overcoming of the Troubles of the beginning of the XVII century. The article is devoted to the consideration of community tradition as a long-term factor in the history of national statehood. The markers of the civilizational specificity of Russia associated with the community (attitude to private property, neighborly character) are emphasized. The view of the politogenesis of the Eastern Slavs and the statehood of the lands of pre-Mongol Russia as the formation and development of a system of subordinate communities is consistently substantiated. The inclusion of the estate self-government of the tyagly posadsky and volost worlds in the system of state administration of Moscow Russia as a grassroots administration is revealed.

Potential of Using the Network Approach in the Studies of the Russian Statehood in the pre-Romanov Period
This article aims to consider the possibility of using the network approach in domestic research on the foundations of the formation of statehood in the pre-Roman period of Russian political history. The paper pays special attention to the situation, existing methods and principles of the network approach in the context of the problem under consideration, as well as their applicability, taking into account the time frame and the amount of data available for analysis.

The Ancient Origins of Modern Public Administration (Based on the Materials of the Hebrew Bible)
Currently, there is a certain discrepancy between the theory of public administration and declarations in this area to the real state of affairs in the modern state. The purpose of the study is to search for the origins of public administration in the texts of the Hebrew Bible, as well as to compare modern principles of public administration with biblical ones in order to demonstrate the relevance of politically oriented texts of an ancient religious monument. Comparative analysis, retrospective analysis, as well as the system method were used as scientific methods in this study. The work used the texts of the Holy Scriptures, as well as the approaches of domestic and foreign scientists to understanding these texts in the context of studying the basics of public administration. A comparative study of modern principles of public administration and those foundations of statehood, which were described in the Hebrew Bible, allows us to demonstrate their continuity. The authors come to the conclusion that, if we do not take into account the divine version of the cessation of the existence of the statehood of the ancient Jews for a long time, it can be stated that it was the violation of the principles of state organization that destroyed the ancient state. But the politically well-developed mentality of the people and political culture allowed this statehood to resume after millennia. Thus, the organization of public administration, according to the Hebrew Bible, with proper adaptation to modern realities, can at least partially solve problems in this area.

The State and Prospects of Human Capital Development of the LPR/DPR and Its Impact on the Economy of Donbass
The authors analyze the concept of human capital in its modern understanding. The article shows that high human capital does not provide significant rates of economic development but makes it possible to increase the welfare of citizens, GDP per capita, the volume of high-tech exports, as well as exports of services. The authors analyze human capital and human potential of the territories of LPR and DPR that joined Russia in 2022. It is shown that the regions have a fairly high human potential: residents of 4 new subjects of the Russian Federation are distinguished by a high level of happiness, they are characterized by developed traditional and labor values, work occupies a significant place in their lives. There is a high level of rejection of offenses. However, the study revealed a low level of interpersonal trust.

State Policy of the Russian Federation in the Field of Volunteerism: Institutional Foundations
The article reveals essential characteristics and results of institutional foundations evolution of the Russian Federation public policy in the field of volunteering. The authors identify four stages in formation and development of institutional framework for regulation of the institution of volunteerism: the stage of implementation of Western norms and experiences (1990-1995); the stage of creating of legal norms for regulation of volunteering and orientation of volunteerism to the performance of significant social functions (1995-2005); the stage of integrating volunteering into long-term state development programs and expanding the practice of volunteer activity (2006-2018); the stage of consolidating national priorities in the field of volunteerism and formalizing it as a unified system of civic activities and intersectoral interaction (2018 - to date). The authors conclude that a national model for development of volunteerism has been already created in modern Russia. This model integrates ideological, legal, social, political, managerial and economic components; ensures close interaction between volunteer structures and public authorities. Prospects for institutional development of volunteerism are associated with formalization and generalization of practices that take shape in conditions of socio-political crises based on Russian civic identity. They are focused on mass participation of citizens of various ages, motivated by humanistic and civic motives.

Institutional Changes in the Russian Empire During the Reign of Alexander II and Their Impact on Economic Processes
The object of this study is the “Great Reforms”, which led to institutional changes in Russia during the reign of Alexander II. A problematic question is posed: how did replacing the obsolete institutions of the Russian Empire with new ones under Alexander II affect the economy? Because of the persisting dichotomy with regard to the results of Alexander II’s reforms, a hypothesis is put forward: in addition to the impact of the new institutions introduced during the period of the “Great Reforms”, the efforts of the transformations were not aimed at the complete elimination of outdated institutions. To test the hypothesis, the main objective of the study is formulated: to reflect the institutional changes in Russia during the reign of Alexander II and their impact on the economy. The theoretical framework of the study includes a number of concepts of domestic and foreign scholars: Douglas North’s concept of institutions, which is exemplified by his works “Institutions, Institutional Change and Economic Functioning” [1], “Institutions, Institutional Change and Economic Performance” [2] and “Institutions and Economic Growth: Historical Introduction” [2]; Sergey Yu. Glazyev’s theory of long-term technical and economic development, reflected in the article “Modern Theory of Long Waves in Economic Development” [3] and the book “Russia in the New Technological and World Economic Patterns” [4]. This selection is due to the fact that the provisions of institutionalism and the concept of technological modes give the most complete answer to the problem question of the research. The work used the following set of methods: general scientific methods, such as logical analysis, synthesis, comparison, systematization of the available scientific literature on the topic of research; specific scientific theoretical methods: literature analysis on the selected historical period (the reforms of Alexander II), collection of statistical data (primarily economic indicators), analysis of the transformations in various spheres of social life and their results conducted in the specified historical period. The result of the study was the reflection of institutional changes in the economy of the Russian Empire and the country’s transition to a “new technological mode”.

Multidimensional Perspective Analysis to Ensure Effective Governance in War-Torn Countries
In many post-conflict and war-torn countries governance issue is intricately linked to multifaceted aspect. Because rebuilding governance and re-establishing trust in government does not only need the adoption of specific strategies but also reshaping the whole nation from the scratch. Some nations may need a large scale of reforms to ensure effective governance whilst other may require narrow reforms to address small deficiencies. Considering the paper’s heavy reliance on secondary information sources collected from articles published in credible scientific journals, and diverse working papers, governmental reports, book chapters, conference papers, and online sources, the paper used content analysis techniques. Moreover, in order to address the problem multiple factors such as politics, institutional reforms, economic initiatives, human capital development, and the need for expenditure in education in war-torn countries are inspected. The study reveals that in the case of politics and institutional reforms, a war-torn nation must emphasize a transparent political system and solid legal framework that makes it simpler to choose, oversee, and replace persons in positions of responsibility, also a favorable ecosystem that promotes prosperity and growth through solid legislation and different governmental branches. The second crucial measure is reanimating the economy by taking advantage of the agriculture and banking sector since they are the least affected by the war. The third measure is to allocate specific funds to education before any other sector. Besides that, through education and training, war-torn countries will achieve a skilled workforce. Finally, the analysis will offer war-torn nations tangible proof of which socioeconomic factors, reforms, and policies to implement in order to achieve effective governance.

Political Power of Digital Transnational Corporations: To the Problem of Research
The spread of digital technologies in the everyday life of citizens (social networks, streaming video, messengers) and in the socio-political sphere («smart city», e-government) has led to an increase in the power of transnational corporations specializing in the development and launch of these products and services on the market - digital TNCs. Thanks to the increase in financial power, such firms became actors that were able to influence the political sphere, for example, by influencing the views and attitudes of voters during electoral campaigns or mass protests, collecting confidential user data and providing it to intelligence agencies, etc. The purpose of the article is to characterize digital TNCs as actors with political power. To analyze the activities of digital TNCs at the present stage, the author applied the approach of Marius Busemeyer and Kathleen Thelen, who proposed to consider business representatives as actors with instrumental, structural and institutional sources of power. It is concluded that at the present stage, digital TNCs implement an instrumental and structural type of power, and also have the potential to implement institutional power, which involves the replacement of a number of government functions.

An Assessment of User Satisfaction with E-Police in Nigeria
This study assessed user satisfaction with e-policing in Nigeria using a quantitative approach. The need for the study was necessitated due to insufficient empirical studies on the impact of information and communications technology on security in Nigeria, particularly the police. This study in particular examined the influence of the quality of the e-police information technology (service quality, system quality and information quality) on user satisfaction, while perceived usefulness was used as a mediator in the relationship. Data was gathered through a structured survey administered to Nigerians online, emphasis was given to citizens with earlier contact with the police online either through the web or social media. The collected data was analyzed using PLS-SEM and SmartPLS 4 as the analytical software. the result showed that all hypotheses were significant. In particular, all the quality dimensions were positive and significant with perceived usefulness and user satisfaction, while perceived usefulness partially mediate the relationships between the quality dimensions and user satisfaction with e-police. The result implies that the degree of satisfaction that users have with e-government services is connected with the level of perceived usefulness of those services. Therefore, it is noted that perceived usefulness is a crucial factor in determining whether or not people will adopt e-policing and that this factor has a substantial bearing on the degree to which users are satisfied with the system.

A Review on Monbiot G. “Neoliberalism - the Ideology at the Root of All Our Problems”
George Monbiot is the author of the online publication “Neoliberalism - the ideology at the root of all our problems”. He is a British author well-known for his political and environmental activism. In addition, he founded The Land is Ours, a movement in the United Kingdom that advocates for the right to access the countryside and its resources. The online journal discusses neoliberalism’s anonymous characteristics, such as how it attempts to reshape human life and establish a world governed by competition. In addition, it also discusses the birth of neoliberalism and how it entered the mainstream. Furthermore, it broadcasts the guileful validation of neoliberal theorists in policymaking. The author explains how neoliberalism reduced the size and influence of the state and how it defined freedom in a discordant way. The author also discusses the diametrically opposed philosophies of Keynesianism and Neoliberalism. He posited that it is not enough to oppose a broken system; a coherent alternative system tailored to the demands of the 21st century has to be proposed. However, the author’s suggestion to have an economic Apollo program - a new system tailored to the demands of the 21st century - is not an easy occupation.